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Old 20-01-2012, 09:49 PM   #31
My poor XF
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Default Re: (SA) opinions of the 100km (formally 110km) speed limits

Originally Posted by wimpy
we went through there just after, I reckon about a week after.....washouts pretty bad....my SIL works at the Kapunda health clinic/ doctors surgery

Really small world.
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Old 20-01-2012, 10:16 PM   #32
poppa smurf
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Default Re: (SA) opinions of the 100km (formally 110km) speed limits

Originally Posted by My poor XF
Really small world.
they live in Stockport......up on the hill though.....most homes in the valley are still knackered

she travels everyday!

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Old 20-01-2012, 10:44 PM   #33
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Angry Re: (SA) opinions of the 100km (formally 110km) speed limits

i would comment as i live on yorke penninsular but my angry rant would involve so much typing that i would ware out my fingers
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Old 20-01-2012, 10:50 PM   #34
svo supporter
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Default Re: (SA) opinions of the 100km (formally 110km) speed limits

I have travelled plenty of country roads in this state and all I can say is, some need the limit dropped and some need them increased.

Fair enough getting frustrated with idiotic motorists, but deciding to go like a maniac because of them can put you in a world of hurt.

2 classic roads that spring to mind are the road from Sandy creek through to Tanunda. Always strike tourists, putting along at 50 KPH, on the 100 KPH limit. With some of the blind corners, there is a great chance of punting one of them off into the paddock and you taking a nice trip to the hospital.

Another bad road, is from Strath to Milang. The road has a 100 KPH limit, but it's a sheet of a road. Then compound it with grandma and grandpa putting along at 30 KPH (yes I've struck them doing that speed) it can be a receipe for disaster, getting frustrated.

So changing the limit. Depends on the road
A wheel alignment fixes everything, when it comes to front end issues. This includes any little noises.

Please read the manual carefully, as the these manufacturers spent millions of dollars making sure it is perfect.....Now why are there so many problems with my car, when I follow the instructions to the letter?....Answer, majority rules round here

Lock me up and throw away the key because I'm a hoon....I got caught doing 59 in a 60 zone
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Old 20-01-2012, 10:56 PM   #35
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Default Re: (SA) opinions of the 100km (formally 110km) speed limits

Originally Posted by Placey
The two wells to gawler road and the gawler to roseworthy road is shocking now it is lowered to 100kmh. All the people who used to sit on 100 in a 110 zone now sit on 90 in the 100 zone..


Gawler to Roseworthy road shocking because they've lowered the limit. WTF. I recently travelled that road, towing a couple of cars and it was bloody shocking. I'm glad they've lowered it. (Travelled it 2 weeks ago)

Then we move further north, heading towards Hamley Bridge. I nearly got seasick when towing the cars. That many ups and downs, it nearly made me throw up. Go hooting along there at 130 KPH, hit a bump the wrong way and see how far you end up in the paddock before you stop rolling.
A wheel alignment fixes everything, when it comes to front end issues. This includes any little noises.

Please read the manual carefully, as the these manufacturers spent millions of dollars making sure it is perfect.....Now why are there so many problems with my car, when I follow the instructions to the letter?....Answer, majority rules round here

Lock me up and throw away the key because I'm a hoon....I got caught doing 59 in a 60 zone
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Old 20-01-2012, 11:04 PM   #36
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Default Re: (SA) opinions of the 100km (formally 110km) speed limits

I'm not sure about SA, but in vic as far as I am aware, over taking another car doing below the speed limit does not require you to obey the speed limit.

for example, the car in front of you is doing 90 in a 100kph zone, you cannot premeditate the overtaking manure, but you can pull out and if its safe you can pass the car in front exceeding the posted limit.. IIRC, common law may say you're breaking the law on a technical basis, but you won't get booked for it..?

that is what I've been told by someone who has completed the police law exam studies.. whether or not they meant _they_ won't get booked, but the average Joe would, I'm not exactly sure

feel free to correct me..

edit: and if I ever come to SA, I would drive to the conditions of the road/weather.. most of the time is 20 over.. try drive from QLD to VIC or to SA on 130-140 most of the way, and slow for towns at 50kph, feel's like you're not moving at all.. :P
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