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Old 07-02-2025, 09:51 AM   #1
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Default Radiator cooling troubles

Hi all

Got a radiator question. Ive got 66 mustang 289 v8 and i think the radiator is clogged. Im going to try and flush it myself with the diy tools available but was wondering what are reasonable radiator brand names

Are the ebay aliminium ones real bad quality? Any recommendations on radiator shops in melb?

So far Ive cleaned out the water and have replaced with new coolant. What it does is, after it gets to temp or driving for awhile the temp gauge almost goes off the dial and blows out coolant.

What have i done, so far replaced a faulty thermostat and replaced coolant, water pump was replaced a year or two ago. I also bled/burped the air out of system by runing till there are no bubbles, but when it heats up it seems there is not enuff flow thru radiator as it overflows. Any ideas or recommendations would be appreciated. Currently have a two row.

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Old 07-02-2025, 10:01 AM   #2
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Default Re: Radiator cooling troubles

I've had a $200 eBay cheapy in the GT (warm 351 Clevo) for about 3 years now without failure. Maybe it doesn't cool to the level of the more credible brands, but it's good enough for a tight budget.

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FGMkII XR6T, XB GT, XB Fairmont being built (slowly) & a 2013 Kia Rondo,GH Sigma
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Old 07-02-2025, 10:55 AM   #3
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Default Re: Radiator cooling troubles

Originally Posted by Spacehulk View Post
Hi all

Got a radiator question. Ive got 66 mustang 289 v8 and i think the radiator is clogged. Im going to try and flush it myself with the diy tools available but was wondering what are reasonable radiator brand names

Are the ebay aliminium ones real bad quality? Any recommendations on radiator shops in melb?

So far Ive cleaned out the water and have replaced with new coolant. What it does is, after it gets to temp or driving for awhile the temp gauge almost goes off the dial and blows out coolant.

What have i done, so far replaced a faulty thermostat and replaced coolant, water pump was replaced a year or two ago. I also bled/burped the air out of system by runing till there are no bubbles, but when it heats up it seems there is not enuff flow thru radiator as it overflows. Any ideas or recommendations would be appreciated. Currently have a two row.

Original copper radiator?

Take it to a radiator shop and get them to clean it out or recore.

You could get a cheap IR thermometer and check the radiator in different locations and that will assist in determining whether the tubes are blocked.

My opinion is that for stock or near stock, then leave the original system in place with the correct factory fan and shroud if they had one.
I love Holdens....
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Old 07-02-2025, 02:01 PM   #4
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Default Re: Radiator cooling troubles

Cracked head. cracked block or dud head gasket, only showing at temp?
Ya don't slow down as you get older ... you just enjoy taking longer to do it ... better!
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Old 07-02-2025, 05:49 PM   #5
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Default Re: Radiator cooling troubles

Originally Posted by Spacehulk View Post
...so far replaced a faulty thermostat and replaced coolant, water pump was replaced a year or two ago. I also bled/burped the air out of system by runing till there are no bubbles, but when it heats up it seems there is not enuff flow thru radiator as it overflows. Any ideas or recommendations would be appreciated. Currently have a two row.

If the radiator cap is not holding pressure at all, or can't hold enough pressure, the coolant boils and steam blows it all out (particularly this time of year). Glycol doesn't change the boiling point much, its mostly the pressure that stops coolant from boiling.
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Old 07-02-2025, 07:32 PM   #6
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Default Re: Radiator cooling troubles

Cheaper radiators dont cool when pushed to limit

Ensure you have correct dimension radiator for car width/height /thickness . WHY ,many cars in Aust as they go thru old age and many owners have so not so good conversions . Often these adaptions are the cause of problems .

Is the rad correct for application ??
Is the engine in good condition flushed out with compressed air and water . [the air creates turbulence to remove scale ] ???
Has the cooling system been pressure tested with spark plugs out .[blown headgasket ]
Has the radiator been checked for exhaust gas ie cracks [TK test ]

Has the engine been bored greater than .040 ??
Has the rebuilt engine had the cylinder bores sonic tested for thickness ???
[thin cylinder walls cause overheating ]

Race Radiators

PWR radiators ,,, most costly but best product

Alloy radiators come with 3 tube sizes
1 inch ,,,1.250 inch ,,, 1.5 inch
-----------------------------Always use 1.250 or bigger -----------------------------------

A large heavy duty copperbrass radiator should do your job
fitt a heavy duty thermal fan hub and large fan ex USA [Aust does not have a wide selection ]]
OR fitt twin electric fans 20amps each eg Spal 12,13,14 inch
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