Immunising your baby....the risks of doing it outweigh the risks of not doing it?
I will be a first time father in 3 months. I never gave a second thought to whether or not to immunise your kids or not, I figured it was just the normal done thing. My partner is dead against it and me being someone who likes to research and form my own opinion, I started to look into it.
Through the research I came across a very interesting fact that 100% swayed me to the non vaccination corner for my personal circumstance. In a debate between a pro and non vaccination person, the non lady asked the pro man, can you get the Medicare report that states how many children have been vaccinated have contracted the diseases they were immunised against also the statistics for children suffering adverse side effects from the immunisation. The answer was that, yes, it is possible to get that report, but it AGAINST THE LAW to use any government information from those systems against the government's pro vaccination agenda.
So I read further into the pro and against and discovered that currently we are the highest level of vaccinations, but also the highest level of whooping cough....and you have the media telling you that not getting vaccinated yourself and your kids is putting all kids at danger. A little alarmism I would have thought given that the kids with whooping cough are in fact vaccinated as well as the unvaccinated kids.
I had an infection in my finger the other day from a drill I had a fight with, anyway I went to the doctor as it was not healing properly. Automatically she wanted to give me a tetanus shot, when I sauid why she said that you have not had a tetanus shot since high school. I said yes and in that time I have not contracted tetanus and have had many many cuts and scratches all over my body. She replied, so you are refusing the vaccination? I said, No, I never asked for it and you never justified why I needed it. The agenda for government and doctors is to push you into vaccines which is wrong. There should be a valid discussion as to why you need it, what side effects there could be and then let you make the informed choice...but you rarely hear the anti vaccine side of the story.
My question I pose to others out there is, are you pro or anti vaccine? If you are either have you done research yourself to make the informed choice?
Last edited by leighm; 23-03-2011 at 01:01 PM.
Reason: Stuffed up the title :(