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Old 16-02-2011, 06:55 PM   #1
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Default Server Migration ** UPDATED **

Good evening

At long last, we are approaching the migration of AFF to the new server that has been undergoing testing and development for some time now.

As a result of some unresolved issues we will be performing the migration in two stages: the first will migrate the current configuration to the new server with the upgraded 64 bit OS and the second stage will then migrate that data into vbulletin 3.8.6.

It is hoped that most of the work can be performed out of Australian hours but (as with all these things) we can only prepare as best we can for potential issues.

There will be no change to DNS settings as the new server will be changed to reflect the IP address of the current server at the point of migration.

Down-time is likely to be around 8-10 hours as a current copy of the database at migration time is copied across and we perform some final testing before going on-line.

Please keep an eye on this thread as the exact time for the migration is yet to be agreed with the ISP.

UPDATE 17/2/11
We have agreed with the ISP that we will take a copy of the database tonight for a final test. This copy will be installed on the new server along with a fresh build of CentOS 5.5 64 bit (the current version) to ensure there are no issues with the change from 5.4 which we have been testing on.

Once that testing is complete we will take this server off-line for a final database copy. Expect about 12 hours of notice.

Best regards



Observatio Facta Rotae

Last edited by russellw; 17-02-2011 at 06:44 PM.
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