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Old 18-10-2009, 07:26 PM   #31
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The house we've been in for a year has been quite good to us actually.
the parents had more problems with the paperwork stage than the building stage.

Apart from having it graffitied on & all the electrical wiring ripped out by idiots.

the only thing we really need fixing is the nails that have poked through the roof.
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Old 19-10-2009, 08:13 AM   #32
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snappy summmed it up nicely. Although i sympathise with the guys who did have a bad run, being in the industry myself i can honestly say people have higher epectations than the physical materials can deliver. exspecially for the dollars paid.

I cant speak for any other people or trades but myself, I've personally won 3 QBSA awards for houses but the stress of doing high quality volume builders work was to much for me. Having owners constantly in your ear whinging, expecting everything done for free and generally making your life hell while your begging for scraps of the builders plate, struggling to pay your bills because your price has been cut so much your running at a lose, just to maintain the principle contractors profit margin. its not fun.

Im now happily doing low price budget housing for a builder for investors, i dont see owners at all and we work to Australia standards. I would say the work is pretty average quality to be honest, the overall finish is reasonable, but individual trade quality is lacking, if this work was done for the owners or my former builder, it wouldnt be allowed at all.

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Old 19-10-2009, 09:24 AM   #33
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We built 2 years ago with Mirvac the Newport 2 story we had a couple miner problems
all fix within 3week just last week in the dinning room 2 cracks appear
email Mirvac
the site foreman turn up 3 days later all good the tradie turning up on Tuesday to fix it and this is 2 years on. Over the 8 months of construction
spoke to all the guys on site and thumbs up to all of them
one guy who done the fit out he was 64 year old and this was one of his last job before retiring he would only work by him self old school tradie well the finish job was outstanding
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Old 19-10-2009, 10:05 AM   #34
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if your going to build a house get a private builder that works on the tools, not a builder that works on the phone, in my opinion anyone that builds with these mass produced building companies gets what they deserve, I do not even bother building houses anymore i just fix the problems in these mass produced boxes of rubbish..

A builder like myself can not compete with the prices these guys quote, it's impossible, but when you see the finished product of what these guys put out it's no wonder we can't compete on price, after seeing the rubbish that gets built by these people and the associated problems these houses have over the next 5 or so years we decided to go into repairing them..
So i say thank you to all these so called volume builders, you are all keeping me in a very good living, much better than when we built houses for practically peanuts..

My advice as a builder DO NOT use volume builders.
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Old 27-10-2009, 12:27 PM   #35
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Noticed the op was having problems with his solar water heater - has anyone else had problems with theres? Mine has packed it in again (either that or the fittings have let go - this is the third time now and the house is just over two years old) I have a Dux SunPro

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Old 27-10-2009, 02:51 PM   #36
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Im trying to sell my Pakenham house to move to a suburb between croydon and huntingdale... very hard to find a reasonably priced house in any suburbs between those two! Any ideas?
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Old 27-10-2009, 07:20 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by SB076
Noticed the op was having problems with his solar water heater - has anyone else had problems with theres? Mine has packed it in again (either that or the fittings have let go - this is the third time now and the house is just over two years old) I have a Dux SunPro
Mine is also a Dux unit. :(
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Old 28-10-2009, 10:24 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by brenx
Mine is also a Dux unit. :(
Apparently the panel has failed - have to wait 2 - 3 weeks for a new panel. Biggest problem is that when they replace it they typically break roof tiles then I have other issues - its just never ending - not to mention I have been pumping drinking water down the drain for who knows how long. Apparently Dux will reinburse you for water costs you need to send three bills in to show them the increased water usuage - so I will wait for my next bill then try that.

with Sunroof and tinted windows
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Old 28-10-2009, 10:45 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by SB076
Apparently the panel has failed - have to wait 2 - 3 weeks for a new panel. Biggest problem is that when they replace it they typically break roof tiles then I have other issues - its just never ending - not to mention I have been pumping drinking water down the drain for who knows how long. Apparently Dux will reinburse you for water costs you need to send three bills in to show them the increased water usuage - so I will wait for my next bill then try that.
I cant see any reason to break tiles , it should be a simple swap over and walking on tiles aint rocket science even for a large bloke like me , mind there is the care factor
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Old 28-10-2009, 12:17 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by atec77
I cant see any reason to break tiles , it should be a simple swap over and walking on tiles aint rocket science even for a large bloke like me , mind there is the care factor
I have very very ordinary tiles - i have liiterally had 3 ceilings collapse and water damage on that many different occasions its not funny. Was talking to the building supervisor we estimate that they have performed a walk over on my roof at least a dozen times. I told them I wanted all the tiles replaced, they stood their ground and refused, but when the garage ceiling collapsed (due to a few broken tiles) they relented but only changed the garage tiles over. Hopefully with a bit of age the tiles are a little tougher now, but I have my concenrs.

The last guy that went up there told me that I didnt need to tell him how to walk on tiles his being doing it for 20 years - he came back down 5 minutes later after breaking a tile

with Sunroof and tinted windows
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Old 28-10-2009, 01:14 PM   #41
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I was thinking of Building with volume builder really like there design - I guess i can get a independent builder to do that.

After reading the post here im reconsidering my options - Can anyone here recommend independent builder/s. PM me if you like.

Also I would appreciate Feedback if anyone has built with Simonds Homes - I'm hoping not all of them are bad nuts.

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Old 28-10-2009, 02:04 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by protd
if your going to build a house get a private builder that works on the tools, not a builder that works on the phone, in my opinion anyone that builds with these mass produced building companies gets what they deserve, I do not even bother building houses anymore i just fix the problems in these mass produced boxes of rubbish..

A builder like myself can not compete with the prices these guys quote, it's impossible, but when you see the finished product of what these guys put out it's no wonder we can't compete on price, after seeing the rubbish that gets built by these people and the associated problems these houses have over the next 5 or so years we decided to go into repairing them..
So i say thank you to all these so called volume builders, you are all keeping me in a very good living, much better than when we built houses for practically peanuts..

My advice as a builder DO NOT use volume builders.
Couldn't agree more.. Father in law is a builder (currently building my house) and will struggle to get even close to what the volume builders charge for a standard 28 sq home (luckily as a wedding present the house is at cost : ). I've gone through the estate where i'm building and its amazing the imperfections you can see. One of my neighbours who built through a "reputable" volume builder is being made to jump through hoops just to get their subie back to the job to fix their f.up..

Bro-in law who is a plasterer makes damn good $$$ fixing up those volume builders stuff ups too.. 90% of his business work use to be hanging new homes for private builders and 10% would be fixing up stuffups from the big boys.. Now its the other way around!!!..
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Old 28-10-2009, 03:20 PM   #43
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we built with Beachwood about 10 years ago, I think the maximum charictor count would prevent me form listing the issues with them from the start of the prosess and would never build with them again we had every thing from burst water pipes shoddy, gyprock, window sills falling away right down to not puting all th screws in the door knobs
Pariahs C.C.
What could possibly go wrong

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Old 28-10-2009, 03:46 PM   #44
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This thread just confirms what I thought, the boss and I install quite a few split systems in new homes just before handover and what you see is sad really. Also have a mate whos a sparky which deals alot with 1st and second fix work for the volume builders. Nothing beats the story he told me about some painters who used brand new solid wood kitchen benchetop (still awaiting fixing at the house) as trestles to paint the exterior eves...... There is a million and one more stories but like some have said theres probably not enough room to tell
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Old 28-10-2009, 04:23 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by divine_afg
I was thinking of Building with volume builder really like there design - I guess i can get a independent builder to do that.

After reading the post here im reconsidering my options - Can anyone here recommend independent builder/s. PM me if you like.

Also I would appreciate Feedback if anyone has built with Simonds Homes - I'm hoping not all of them are bad nuts.

Yep thats what got me enticed to build with a volume builder, the design. The initial process was fantastic, the design, customisation etc highly recomment that, but the building side was shocking and has turned me off this volume builder (and volume builders in general - I would still build a new home though if that suited my requirements in future)

Dont know anything about Simonds but what ever you choose document everything and make sure they know you are documenting everything, every phone call, discussion etc - take photos, even get an independent inspector out (i did all that and I am thankful I did as otherwise I would be stuffed)

with Sunroof and tinted windows
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Old 28-10-2009, 04:47 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by distortion
Im trying to sell my Pakenham house to move to a suburb between croydon and huntingdale... very hard to find a reasonably priced house in any suburbs between those two! Any ideas?
How much is in your budget to spend? Can find some reasonable priced houses in Croydon, Ringwood, Blackburn, Mitcham, Glen/Mt Waverly, Burwood etc if you look in the right areas.

There are a few houses around that might be older and cheaper which could be great to renovate if willing.

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Old 28-10-2009, 06:34 PM   #47
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I had a signed contract floor plan, which we built from.
2 weeks after signing them, the house designer place (whom we bought from), decided to change plans without our consent. (illegally)

Stupid idjit that sold us the house plan, completely f$%$% up big time. He promised things too much and we signed on it.
He picked up the plans of a previous customers build and sold us that plan as the base, where it had options in it.
All plans had a Spa Bath, they wrote to us to tell us the Spa word had been deleted. Rang them up and said, we signed on a Spa Bath, not a standard bath, after many hours of discussion they put a Spa Bath in, as we signed on it.
One other thing was quite major, was the heater. Part our fault, part theirs as we were told it was central heating, but it was only a wall furnace. We paid for the upgrade.
It was signed on a wall furnace, but stupid idjit sales reps promised it was central heating.

The house also got moved back from the footpath to 6 metres, we told them we wanted 4.
Their plans said driveway and walkway to house was total of 6 metres, driveway was maxed at 6 metres and did not allow walkway. 2 days before hand over, told them to install walkway or house wasn't being signed over or payed upon. Guess what, 1 day after moving in, walkway was installed at their expense.
Apparently the sales rep took "ill" 4 weeks before handover and didn't work there anymore.
He didn't work there anymore because of all the dodgy dealings that he promised (like signed contracts)
We had major discussion with the General Manager about the rep and his conduct, they couldn't believe what he told us and what we signed on, we argued and debated what was to be done.
It came in our favour. Everyone learnt a great lesson, never trust a rep's dealings unless it's signed and witnessed.
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Old 28-10-2009, 07:23 PM   #48
mr smith
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Originally Posted by castellan
I have been a tiler for 30 years. and i have never seen so many pathetic 3rd rate builders as in the last 7 years. absolute low life scum. it is that bad that i would never of thought it would come to this disgraceful state.
cunning lying tossers actually smile about it.
Back 20 years ago you could go out the back and sort a moron out like that, and he would learn to be up front and true. not just treating every one like dirt. and walking all over you. telling a tradesman how much he is going to pay you. and if there is extra expense involved to do the job right they will not pay you for it.
Never a truer word. Thats been the problem with this house boom, every two bob idiot is building houses. A crash is required to purge these clowns and let the good guys get on with the job of building quality housing for a reasonable price (builders and tradies).
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Old 28-10-2009, 07:28 PM   #49
mr smith
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Originally Posted by protd
if your going to build a house get a private builder that works on the tools, not a builder that works on the phone, in my opinion anyone that builds with these mass produced building companies gets what they deserve, I do not even bother building houses anymore i just fix the problems in these mass produced boxes of rubbish..

A builder like myself can not compete with the prices these guys quote, it's impossible, but when you see the finished product of what these guys put out it's no wonder we can't compete on price, after seeing the rubbish that gets built by these people and the associated problems these houses have over the next 5 or so years we decided to go into repairing them..
So i say thank you to all these so called volume builders, you are all keeping me in a very good living, much better than when we built houses for practically peanuts..

My advice as a builder DO NOT use volume builders.
Agree with the dont use volume builders. We are currently owner building due to the lack of quality for a reasonable price. We approached a small builder who built us a great house 15 years ago, he now no longer builds but as your self makes more fixing stuff ups.
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Old 29-10-2009, 07:31 PM   #50
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New one for the list :( Main bath was leaking into the cavity under the bath. Water finally made it's way under the wall and started to floor our hallway. I definite the plumber who did my plumbing needs to be sacked.
74 XB Fairmont (street car) 11.07@123.02mph. 08 LV Ford Focus XR5 (daily).

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