Originally Posted by ltd
I swore I wasn't gonna enter the fray but anyway.
These comments about them all being the same is fanciful, farcical nonsense made to make the idiots feel good about not looking any further than their navels in deciding who to vote for.
On both a state and federal level the two sides have many distinguishing features so that even the most narrow minded troglodite can determine who is who.
Labor is a party that was originally the "working mans party"; withouit getting into factions it is basically made up of many members and former members of the ACTU. This means people who have little commercial nouse in the sense that they still believe every business small or large is harboring a multi millionaire employer. To secure votes the ALP typically panders to minority groups in order to secure their vote ie, the middle eastern people brought to Australia without prior skills testing through the Whitlam, Hawke and Keating years. Traditionally, the ALP when in government are poor financial managers and run resources down to the point of collapse. Look no further than NSW. Finally, when the ALP gets into government most of them have little yet retire as millionaires. Hawke, Keating, Carr, Egan, Knowles etc. Some of them go into their own companies (keating and the piggery, and the Aust Institute of Music), most just milk the system for as long as they can (fukWhitlam)
Liberal on the other hand sources their people primarily from the private sector, people like you and me who are working. Typically, they do not have career politicians who have spent all of their lives in politics; John howard was a solicitor, Malcolm turnbull was and still is a successful businessman; and they are aware of commercial realities such as those faced by all of us. They typically are very sound financial managers and tend leave the country/state in a better finaincial condition than when they first took office. When they leave politics most of them take up work in the private sector again.
In NSW for example huge property, business and payroll taxes have meant for the last year that NSW is having negative employment growth whereas every other state is having positive growth. This is coupled to the crippling disaster that is every state portfolio, and the trbling of the great beauracracy and the massive amounts of money required to fund it. Look no further than NSW labor to see what having incompetent politicians with no commercial sense can do.
So, my point is, they are not all the same. Some are very intelligent and work well, others have average intelligence and lie about it.
At least they will be happy someone believes the they spin. I sure as hell don't. The system stinks. Labour, Liberal, Greens, Democrats they may all talk different rubbish but end of the day they get in and go back on promises, make a few bad decisions, maybe the odd good one, and the country moves on.
I think your write up may have been valid 20 years ago but now both main parties policies are so simliar in context and ideology that it is hard to pick the difference. Elections are won and lost via the news stand these days I think. Just like in Rome, the one who controls the masses...............
And despite my opinion I still do look in what all main parties put up, and always vote, and vote correctly. I would not consider myself an idiot. Not at least in the circumstances set out above.
