Originally Posted by 4.9 EF Futura
... the other by promoting an economic environment where people have the opportunity to maximise their income (but it doesnt come free... you need to fight for it and need to continually improve the way you go about it).
This is how i want to live, im prepared to take a few risks to create opportunity for me and my family, i dont want to be told what the maximium amount i can earn is or be taxed to the eye balls because im successful, i don't like supporting bludgers and cheats through my tax's being handed out "robin hood" style and i don't want people telling me how to run my own business, how much i have to pay staff and who i can and cant employ.
As far as im concerned Its my money, my business, my risk, my stress and my choice and as long as i treat staff fairly and look after their safety and welfare then they have a choice of weather they work for me or not.
If i don't pay them enough they leave, if i do pay them enough and look after them they become loyal and valuable employees.
Democracy is great isnt it!