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Old 07-01-2014, 11:35 AM   #31
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Default Re: The eye

I don't sweat on conspiracy, though I'm choc full of intrigue. Just grab hold of a good old USA dollar note, flip to the back and tell me, what is the link between a nation, that was founded in 1776, got to do with Egyptian pyramids with an eye contained in the capstone. Why the Washington Monument is in the mould of a giant Egyptian Obelisk. Why the Eagle on the USA seal looks to the right (the 'conservative' past). The Latin 'NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM' equates to 'New Secular (Godless/Worldly) Order', yet we have the words, 'In God We Trust' above the word 'One'. 13, 5 pointed stars (Pentagram, look it up) arranged as a Magen David.
You can't call it a conspiracy if the majority aren't even aware that a conspiracy exists, we are like ants, unaware of the eye that observes them.
George Bush senior was very vocal during the first Iraq war, saying this event could be the beginning of a "New World (i.e. Secular) Order" - his words.
Ah well, the fireworks where awesome.
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Old 07-01-2014, 12:17 PM   #32
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Default Re: The eye

Originally Posted by lilmattie View Post
Never heard that one before...

Christianity is monotheistic - sun worship doesn't seem correct. The crown was a torturous mockery of people calling him the 'King of the Jews' ... or were you be facetious?

sun worship
not being facetius

i guess if you are on the 'religions are all diff thingy' and the wording they use to describe each one then i can see where you are coming from
but all religion is a scam and they all have some kind of same story background to them somewhere
i mean we've all seen the doco Zeitguist huh?
the three days and then christ rose up?
you know, the whole sun doesnt move any higher or lower in the sky (it rises to the same degree for those three days over xmas then proceeds to change again like before the three days) and changes by one degree each 'day'??
this is old stuff and the zeitgeist producers just copied it from someone else and then spun it into their movie and linked it into their Venus Project crapola
but, it does have some good things in the doco, but nothing thats new.
Maxwell was talking about this stuff 20 years ago

whoever mentioned the dollar bill
get a magnifying glass and check out the little bohemian grove owl i think thats in the top right somewhere
just there little ways of letting you know that the powerful elite run the show

brings back memories
i would research and read and read about all this kind of 'conspiracy' stuff about 4 or 5 years ago but just havent looked at it for quite some time

words and terms used to be my fav
like: beLIEfs are full of lies, CONspiracy
words and symbols are fascinating
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Old 07-01-2014, 12:22 PM   #33
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if anyone heard Maxwell talk about the maritime law one its a beauty
the whole 'birth certificate' thing and how it links into maritime admiralty

the whole why is your name always in capitals when a bill needs to be paid
get a bill in the post and your names always in capitals.
go take a bank loan out and they type in your name and auto corrects it to capitals.
the dif between you as a lower case name and why it gets put in upper case instead

i must have 40 gig in pdf books and docos floating about on a HD somewhere
havent looked at it for years

but it sure makes you ask questions and think if theres any truth to any of it...

yeah i know
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Old 07-01-2014, 12:44 PM   #34
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Default Re: The eye

Originally Posted by lilmattie View Post
Never heard that one before...

Christianity is monotheistic - sun worship doesn't seem correct. The crown was a torturous mockery of people calling him the 'King of the Jews' ... or were you be facetious?
You do realise Christianity is an almost direct knock off of Paganism right...
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Old 07-01-2014, 12:52 PM   #35
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and you do realise paganism is jsut another 'religion' that was made up

yeah yeah dancing around the tree and thats where the xmas tree comes from etc etc

its all connected somehow
and its all egyptian
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Old 07-01-2014, 01:48 PM   #36
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ok can some one tell me where the conspiracy is in being born , being brought up by working parents , then going out and getting a job , paying tax , feeding and housing yourself and offspring , and then dying of old age ?
whilest all this eagle eye, pyramid, and hi fiving sh it is going on !!!
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Old 07-01-2014, 03:57 PM   #37
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Default Re: The eye

The conspiracy is having people think that paying taxes and working for the man is the only option in life, and ultimately, inevitable.

The conspiracy is having people accept the status quo and to not question anything.

The conspiracy is having people put their blind faith and total trust into "authority".
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Old 07-01-2014, 04:18 PM   #38
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Default Re: The eye

Originally Posted by Loud_Noises View Post
The conspiracy is having people think that paying taxes and working for the man is the only option in life, and ultimately, inevitable.

The conspiracy is having people accept the status quo and to not question anything.

The conspiracy is having people put their blind faith and total trust into "authority".

#1 - it's not the only option in life , you can live in a cave if you want and grow your own food , or you can be on the dole , or invalid pension , or live in a housing commission home .

#2 - people can question all they like . but really what can they not do , or what can they change in the way of our basic lifestyle ?

# 3 - authority comes about from who is the biggest . go to your local daycare , you'll find that out . as the kids get a little older they'll gang together then a group becomes the biggest . and so the war starts . conflict from then on about whats fair .

#4 - if you cant accomplish # 1 ( see #2 and #3 )
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Old 07-01-2014, 04:40 PM   #39
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Would it surprise you to know that we can live at the same (if not higher) standard of living and a much greater technical level than we have now, with complete energy independance if the make-work/pay-taxes paradigm didn't exist?

Would it surprise you to know that the status quo is reliant on people maintaining the attitude of "what can you do?" mentality for it to not only endure, but thrive?

Would it surprise you to know that authority is purely dependent on fear, intimidation and predatory behaviour by those in "authority"; that said authority would evaporate in an instant should the people realise that they are the authorities and outnumber those perceived to be in positions of authority and power by orders of magnitude?
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Old 07-01-2014, 06:25 PM   #40
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Look, I know that I condemned AH in the in the Nelson Mandella thread (I think it was wrong to bring that person into the thread), and I stand by that condemnation. He and his cronies were wrong, his methods sickening. Basically, the persecution of the Jews is something I can not stomach and (due to my personal beliefs) were pure evil.
The eagle on the Nazi banner looks to the left.
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Old 07-01-2014, 06:40 PM   #41
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Default Re: The eye

Originally Posted by Loud_Noises View Post
Would it surprise you to know that we can live at the same (if not higher) standard of living and a much greater technical level than we have now, with complete energy independance if the make-work/pay-taxes paradigm didn't exist?

Would it surprise you to know that the status quo is reliant on people maintaining the attitude of "what can you do?" mentality for it to not only endure, but thrive?

Would it surprise you to know that authority is purely dependent on fear, intimidation and predatory behaviour by those in "authority"; that said authority would evaporate in an instant should the people realise that they are the authorities and outnumber those perceived to be in positions of authority and power by orders of magnitude?

would it surprise you to know that all men arent equal ! just like dogs arent equal , neither are people . the majority of people arent in the same league as the top people .
now the top people have human flaws , such as greed and selfishness . but they have complete support of the lesser people .
the majority of people are not self sustainable and want to be lead by the collar . it's the way it is .
like i said . biggest people win , lower people give up and succumb to authority , for a mediocre life . we are human . thats how we are . what if's are no more than conspiracy .
believe it or not the lower status people rule , and they get what they accept .
it's obvious when we have political threads here . most people will argue for less of a living standard . hence my point.
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Old 07-01-2014, 10:20 PM   #42
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gt, it isn't a matter of perceived (in)equality in people leading to the strong ruling the weak, it is about the mindset imprinted on all those deemed to be of the lesser class by those in positions of power and control. Yes, no two people are exactly alike, but the common thread is that we are human beings.

One's financial position or social standing does not render someone inferior compared to another. The people you mention being "not self sustainable" are as you describe them not because they are the runts of the human progeny, there are too many of them to be able to put it down to natural selection. They are conditioned essentially from birth that they will never amount to anything more than being another cog in the machine. Each and every day, they are told that they need to be led, that they need to fit into the societal structure as common Joe Punchclock's.

There is far more to the human condition than the bleeding obvious.
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Old 07-01-2014, 10:45 PM   #43
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Default Re: The eye

Good call Loud Noises.
I think President John F. Kennedy could not have said it better in his speech at The American University, 10th June 1963.
The aka "Breathe the same air" speech. It kinda stops you in your tracks...
You Tube Video (Part 1 of 2) well worth listening to. Wish our political muppets had the same vision as this man...


Can you just believe what you have just listened to?????

Pull up an armchair, close your eyes and just listen.

Put aside any prejudice, and remember, this is the truth! JFK was pulling
troops out of Vietnam, he'd turned his back on the corrupt South regime.

Hear it and weep for what could have been... (further edit)
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Last edited by Madaya; 07-01-2014 at 11:05 PM. Reason: Listening to it again just BLOWS MY MIND
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Old 08-01-2014, 10:45 AM   #44
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Default Re: The eye

another interesting subject

Bushes grand fathers involvement etc
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Old 08-01-2014, 11:24 AM   #45
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Default Re: The eye

People are idiots. Society needs high rulers. Money talks - deal with it.

Edit: call me blind, and/or ignorant if you wish. I just think most conspiracy theories, are just that - theories.

People in higher places have their own agendas - and so be it. I'll just go about my life and focus on what makes me happy. Like a subserviant drone - the type that keep the world turning. That's not to say I don't have agendas and aspirations of my own, mind you. But I'm more worried about my own life, and those around me, instead of losing sleep over a supposed elitist cult.

Last edited by Motorbreath310; 08-01-2014 at 11:54 AM.
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Old 08-01-2014, 11:45 AM   #46
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Yes there are idiots, the question to ask is why are they idiots and look at causality.
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Old 08-01-2014, 12:20 PM   #47
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Default Re: The eye

Originally Posted by Loud_Noises View Post
The conspiracy is having people think that paying taxes and working for the man is the only option in life, and ultimately, inevitable.

The conspiracy is having people accept the status quo and to not question anything.

The conspiracy is having people put their blind faith and total trust into "authority".
What alternative do you propose? Who's gonna pack our groceries, maintain our infrastructure, and build our supercharged V8 super sedans, if we're all equal? The systems we have in place exist for a reason. Some people DO shun the typical road, and we usually call them "entrepreneurs" who in turn provide jobs to those who are happy to lead a simple, fuss-free lives. These people provide other people with requisite services, and so on. We're free to live alternative lifestyles if we so choose.

As I said earlier, I don't mind the world as it is as I can't see it being much better under any other proposed ruling.

We aren't evolved enough, as a species, to live without rule. As soon as one authority is disbanded, you can bet another, with it's own agendas, will seek to replace it.
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Old 08-01-2014, 03:29 PM   #48
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motorbreath310 . i like your posts . it took a long time for me to come to similar conclusions as you , if you look at our history , with rolyalty and empires etc , to now govts and military , religion and socialism .
all the ingredients and mixes are pretty much the same . there are many different forms of intelligence and compassion strengths etc . in that sense we are are equal with uniqueness . however survival, intelligence, and leadership is what makes us tick .
if i had any other conclusion , i would not be paying banks and companies for my life .a lot of it depends on my place of birth , but my intelligence woul;d show where i am in society if i was born elsewhere . one thing i'm pretty sure , an unemployed person who never works and takes handouts here in this country b, would be pretty much the same everywhere on the planet , a worker well it depends on where they are , and a higher type person will make the top where ever they are , if they dont get killed or sickness .
best i can do is my bit in the system . and thats the reality of it . conspiricy or not . its how it is regardless .

i might add more here . all this eye and pyramid bull SH . is it really necessary i would say no . and if it is out there and in operation , then we really are an effd up lot .

Last edited by gtfpv; 08-01-2014 at 03:42 PM.
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Old 08-01-2014, 06:46 PM   #49
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Default Re: The eye

Originally Posted by Motorbreath310 View Post
What alternative do you propose? Who's gonna pack our groceries, maintain our infrastructure, and build our supercharged V8 super sedans, if we're all equal? The systems we have in place exist for a reason. Some people DO shun the typical road, and we usually call them "entrepreneurs" who in turn provide jobs to those who are happy to lead a simple, fuss-free lives. These people provide other people with requisite services, and so on. We're free to live alternative lifestyles if we so choose.

As I said earlier, I don't mind the world as it is as I can't see it being much better under any other proposed ruling.

We aren't evolved enough, as a species, to live without rule. As soon as one authority is disbanded, you can bet another, with it's own agendas, will seek to replace it.
You make some very valid points Mr Breath.

Are we really free to live alternative lifestyles? Is it even possible when everyone is totally dependant on cartels for their energy needs (I will put money in this basket as it is an energy transfer mechanism of sorts)?

Complete energy independance at all levels of the human experience would come very close to providing a viable, sustainable world that is truly free. This of course goes hand in hand with the technical ability to make use of this new found source of energy. Technologies could come to fruition that would render the make work enterprise redundant, and provide for everyone's needs in terms of water, food and clothing, heating and cooling without going all communist by means of collectivisation and other socialist traps. The potential would be there for each and every person to be able to provide for himself by himself.

Energy independance would also ensure idiot and "lesser folk" creation is reduced to the point where they come about solely due to nature. Think about it, a large percentage of the people of the world don't even have enough food to eat, let alone the means to clothe and shelter themselves, to heat and cool themselves, or go about meaningful lives. Why, because every day for them is pure survival, eeking out an existence, scrounging for scraps. They have zero time for anything else. Having ready access to energy (and the tech that goes with it) that would ensure they are fed, clothed, sheltered and a means to get about would see most get away from the rampant poverty and realise their potential. Everyone has dreams and ambition, this would create the possibility whereby everyone could realise their dreams and ambition.

There is only one problem with this scenario (and it is a problem only for those with vested interests in maintaing the status quo). Should it transpire (and there is a lot of evidence to suggest that it is more than possible), it would destroy the current world/economic/power paradigm within a year. Power is held due to a very few controlling the resources sought by very many. Remove that control and their power evaporates. Society can only then move forward and humanity can once again evolve beyond that encoded within its genetic programming.

You are right though, and it pains me to say it, but as it is, destroying the status quo would more than likely see the power vacuum filled rather quickly.
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Old 08-01-2014, 06:56 PM   #50
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Default Re: The eye

The biggest con of all is the dollar the greatest invention of man kind and the greatest trap it controls all end of story work for it beg for it go on center link for it but need it or die starve collapse live on a bench. There is no alternative to the system we have in Australia its earn or die. Not to mention our system of dictatorial democracy where you get a choice of 2 with a side dish of greens or clive palmer or whatever self invested interests happens to get voted for that year.
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Old 08-01-2014, 10:29 PM   #51
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Default Re: The eye

I read an interesting short story by Issac Assimov, called The Jokester (It is available on the internet) The world had built a gigantic Super Computer (of course, back then, very few could visualise a SC fittinging in a single room).
One of the programmer's, started to tell the SC jokes in his off time.
The supervisors got wind of it and told him to stop. He said, the 'experiment' had come to an end. He will now ask the SC (I think) 3 questions. 'Where do jokes come from' and 'what will be the result of us finding out the origin of jokes' and 'what will happen next'.

Turns out jokes/humour is a psychological experiment of ET origin. We find out, the experiment ends, i.e. no more jokes/laughs. Next, a new experiment takes over.

I know that simplifies things to the bare bones, but I am one of those who for most of his life, has always felt that we are being observed. No, I am not a UFO'er or similar, my science (astronomy) background and pure logic puts 99.99% of visitations in the prankster/alternative explanation box.

And we are talking about 'The Eye'. It watches the watchers.

None of you guys gave me the intro for a punch line in the mention of Hitler. That is, it took a lot of blood shed to try and destroy the existing order.

When the Jews occupied the Promised Land, they wiped out whole towns and cities, killed the men, the women, the children and even the livestock, city after city after city. Burnt all the graven images, sometimes crops. There is no secret in this, you can read it, some of the people involved are named. Even great conquerers like Genghis Khan, Alexander etc, usually spared the common folk and women and children as they would add to their chattels.

This is how gritty this whole thing is. Personally, I stand by the Jews. I'm not for bloodshed, I haven't got the stomach. One of the most desired items in a Muslim world is a pair of Levi's.

Guys, I need input, someone who at least understands what line I am on.

Make sure you check out the Kennedy speeches, you will understand why he was delivered his 'just deserts'. He had this noble idea. Now that humans had developed a weapon that could wipe the entire human species out, maybe we should lay down our arms and (listen to the speech). We breathe the same air.
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Last edited by Madaya; 08-01-2014 at 10:39 PM. Reason: Exit, stage left.
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