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Old 07-05-2010, 06:31 AM   #1
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Has Aussie Government gone mad

A mate of mine finally found out why paypal froze his account, it seems Australian government requires photo ID for anything over $1000 in a paypal account, he had to send a copy of his drivers liscence to an anonamous fax number here in Australia , he did this and apparently his photo was too dark so they want him to go get his liscence pic taken again at QLD transport and resend before Paypal will be authorised to free his money in paypal account so he can use it.this little Nannystate government brought this in on the first of April this year. WTF.
number search finds out its The Governer Generals Dept ,Asio ,
so now we really do have a Big Brother Looking over our shoulders.

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Old 07-05-2010, 06:50 AM   #2
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its really no different to being identified when opening a bank account and obviously Paypal is under similar requirements.

all about anti money laundering and financing of terroist activities.
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Old 07-05-2010, 07:00 AM   #3
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i had 5k in there and i converted to us$ when i tried to convert the us back to au$ and deposit back to my bank as my purchase didnt go ahead , i had to send paypal a copy of 1, bank account, 2 , drivers/lL, 3 , proof of address, i sent rental contract and post office diversion papers, then they wanted more id, so i had to send my last 3 bank staements, my last tax and real birth cirtificate...still not enough , i called them and had to email more id ,,the stupid thing was all i was doing was putting mone back in the account where it came from originally, they could see the account where the money was drwan from as it registered on paypal already, it took 3 weeks to clear this up so i closed my paypal , frickn ebay can go f $#k itself i will never use paypal again.
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Old 07-05-2010, 07:05 AM   #4
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my mate had to sell a car off cheap to make his mortgage payment due to this so you can guess how angry he is,
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Old 07-05-2010, 12:32 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Dodge
i had 5k in there and i converted to us$ when i tried to convert the us back to au$ and deposit back to my bank as my purchase didnt go ahead , i had to send paypal a copy of 1, bank account, 2 , drivers/lL, 3 , proof of address, i sent rental contract and post office diversion papers, then they wanted more id, so i had to send my last 3 bank staements, my last tax and real birth cirtificate...still not enough , i called them and had to email more id ,,the stupid thing was all i was doing was putting mone back in the account where it came from originally, they could see the account where the money was drwan from as it registered on paypal already, it took 3 weeks to clear this up so i closed my paypal , frickn ebay can go f $#k itself i will never use paypal again.
And if you ever want to use a similar type account again you will have to go through it all again.
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Old 07-05-2010, 06:39 PM   #6
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It's been law for a long time. Retailers are supposed to view some ID when purchases over this amount are made. Many don't know about it and it is not really enforced.
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Old 07-05-2010, 06:43 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Dodge
i had 5k in there and i converted to us$ when i tried to convert the us back to au$ and deposit back to my bank as my purchase didnt go ahead , i had to send paypal a copy of 1, bank account, 2 , drivers/lL, 3 , proof of address, i sent rental contract and post office diversion papers, then they wanted more id, so i had to send my last 3 bank staements, my last tax and real birth cirtificate...still not enough , i called them and had to email more id ,,the stupid thing was all i was doing was putting mone back in the account where it came from originally, they could see the account where the money was drwan from as it registered on paypal already, it took 3 weeks to clear this up so i closed my paypal , frickn ebay can go f $#k itself i will never use paypal again.
It takes me less documentation to get a passport!
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Old 07-05-2010, 09:00 PM   #8
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it's easy to blame the government but as crims get better at hiding and moving money we suffer with more restrictive identification requirements. If there was none of this the scum would be able to move money around far easier for their drug deals and terrorist activities
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Old 08-05-2010, 09:50 AM   #9
Jim Goose
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There is this thing called "Money Laundering"...... and PayPal would be the best place to do it, hence why you need to prove who you are etc....

What you should be whinging about is why PayPal takes 7 to 10 days to transfer your money electronically?

BPay at worst takes 3 days to clear, why does PayPal take longer?

Simple... Is that Paypal takes your money and holds onto it in a very large account for several days and makes interest on your money, then releases the money.
Even a $50 payment takes ages to clear... easy way to make money.
You've seen it, you've heard it and your still asking questions??

Don't write off the Goose until you see the box going into the hole....
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Old 08-05-2010, 09:59 AM   #10
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what he is most upset about is the fact its taken 3 weeks for them to say his photo liscence was too dark for them.so it will take another week or two to sort it out. if anyone thinks thats fine then you have better patience than me
Hervey Bay QLD
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