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Old 18-12-2007, 10:09 PM   #1
Starter Motor
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 29
Default tires

im getting myself a set of bags to jack up the back of the car.....
now the blowers on there's no traction above 3500 in first and 4500 in second so its time for taller tires even in third it lets go at 5250.
damn 4.11's.....

chris maybe you can tell me whats the biggest i can get in there??

im having trouble because i have 330mm brakes so i need 17inch wheels to fit them alone. i cant find anything that has a big sidewall so i can get a much taller tire. 245's seem as wide as they get but i was thinking i should be able to get a 27inch tall tire in there?

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