Originally Posted by FoxMulder
I have an Xbox 360, and I am fed up with it. I got the infamous 3 red light problem and my console was out of warranty. Microsoft wanted $200 to fix it (mind you it's a manufacturing fault and has been proven so), so I took it to a friend of a friend who can fix it for $110 and give me a warranty on it. At least it should be a permanent fix.
Every person that I have talked to that has a 360 has had the exact same problem. (One guy had it happen to him a few too many times and decided that once he got it back, he would trade up to the PS3. He hasn't looked back since.) So much for Microsoft's supposed 6% failure rate. From what I've seen it is more like a 6% success rate. For those people that say that it won't happen to them, give it time.
As for the PS3 there have been next to no actual fault found with it, that hasn't been fixed with a firmware update. (Before you say it, the 360 cannot be fixed via firmware, as the solder on the chips literally develops cracks and gaps). Not to mention that you can put linux on the console, allowing you to browse the internet on the PS3. (I'd like to see someone do that on the 360). I don't use Xbox Live anyway, I can't justify spending all that extra money just so I can play online/ against other people. (I have a 150" projector screen so I have no trouble playing split screen). Besides if you add it up, the 360 will cost almost as much as a PS3 anyway (Once you add in the wireless network attachment, HD-DVD drive). Not to mention that the core/premium system doesn't have HDMI. You have to connect it via Component or VGA for any decent resolutions. The PS3 has everything it needs built into it (hence the cost) not to mention the fact that Sony is allowing other companies to make wireless controllers/steering wheels (g25 anyone?). The 360 is stuck with the MS POS wheel, which if you read up on, is again not designed/manufactured so well (15 degrees off centre is a bit much).
So yeah I prefer the PS3 (No I'm not a fanboy) over the 360. They are both good consoles, it's just that Microsoft needs to really pick up their game and kick the manufacturers a** (not to mention allow logitech to make a proper wheel for the 360).
Funny you say that, everything I have bought for my 360 so far, including the 360, has gone back due to being faulty. My 360 wheel was off centre to the right .. replaced it .. now its off centre to the left, i don't even care about getting another new one lol.
None the less, Its still a pretty good console and so is the PS3 hence I'll buy one down the track. I'll be getting GTA IV on xbox, and hopefully by then the PS3 is a tad cheaper.