Originally Posted by HI PSI
Why not ????? He does have some relevant points.
I have often pondered such scenarios, where sufficiently trained drivers with "rated" vehicles, would have such limits increased.
Poorly skilled drivers, Poorly maintained ageing vehicles, With mixed fauna thrown in to contend with, I know which speed I would rather be doing.
When people can master basic driving skills like overtaking safely, Merging and staying left. IE,
Not speed up when someone wants to overtake you,
Not slowing down when merging, And lastly but not least of all,
STAYING LEFT unless overtaking or turning right regardless wether your doing the posted speed limit, Then, And only then, Would raising the speed limit be half a good idea.
Give me a dual lane highway and I'll happily sit in the left hand land driving at a speed that I'm comfortable doing within the constraints of my vehicle and driving skills, And all of the temporary Aussies vying for the Darwin Awards can happily fly past me in the right lane
In an Ideal environment I could see it working, But here, In Aus, Pfft, Yeah right
