Originally Posted by Carby
Hmm nice deflection trying to use the per capita rate - yes we may be heaps higher on this aspect but when they have over a billion and we have 23million 2011G6E is probably right in what he says -Australia has virtually no impact on these matters.
Deflection? no you have missed the point, its not whether Australia's reduction in co2 will make any significant difference to the world's co2(of course it wont), its about leadership and showing that we can reduce our per capita usage(about the highest on the planet) to sustainable levels of co2 in the atmosphere.
If we cant do that what hope on earth have we got of having others follow suit. CO2 emissions, its really something we all need to be personally responsible for, not hide behind the fact that there arent many of us compared to other countries so we can do as we please.
Interestingly the same people that come up with your logic are the same ones that harp on about pollies flying around in jets etc, deflecting the issue by saying, Ill start doing something when Gillard, Al Gore rides a push bike around the country etc(and I agree, they could be doing a lot more to set a better example). You are smart enough to know the amount of CO2 that they contribute compared to the whole population is miniscule, but its the message they are sending which you consider important, same scenario with the message we need to send by reducing our excesses.