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Old 25-04-2007, 12:25 PM   #1
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default My mother has Dimentia - I need help.

Hey guys, thanks for reading my thread. - its a little long.

My mum has been Diagnosed with Dimentia (Like alzheimers, only she realises that she forgets things and finds it hard to consentrate) last year and it is getting worse.

I am her only child and her husband (Dad of course) passed away 10yrs ago so it has now become my responsibility to look after her.
She only recently had her license taken off her as she had to resit the test and ultimatly failed. So I have to take her shopping once a week. On top of this I have to pay her bills for her and sort out and organize her life as she just cannot fathom what is going on. (she asked me yesterday If she has anything to worry about this week!)
She is on medication but I have to keep on her to take them. They are marked daily like the pill and she has stuffed up the days.
She is very very thin now - 35kgs as she just does not eat. She cant get her head around how to cook, I give her simple lessons on cooking meat in the fry pan or cooking a frozen lasagne in the oven but she has now forgotten how to predict the time as in 'dinner will be ready in 45 minutes from now' It would be good if she could set a timer but she cant figure that out either. So Im now worried she will burn the house down after forgetting dinner is on.
I have heard there is a bus service to take people shopping but she is way to shy and I believe this would FREAK her out.
Every one is telling me to put her in a home but this will destroy her IMO.
I also have to bite my toungue in frustration with her ways of doing things.

I could go on forever on this topic but ill keep it this short. Does anyone have experience in this? or any ideas on what I can do to take the pressure off me a little? or any organisations that can help?


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