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Old 04-12-2006, 09:53 PM   #1
NF Fairlane ghia
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Gold Coast - upper coomera
Posts: 57
Default In a pickle..

Yesterday evening my 17 year old daughter, (whom is licensed, and completed a defensive driving course at Mt cotton,) was driving her boyfriends vl commodore north bound in the far left lane on the M1 near the hyperdome in Brisbane, it was absolutely belting down with rain and had been for about half an hour and the roads were pooled up and very deep and dangerous in alot of areas, yes, she lost control of the car and spun end for end, she clipped the left rear of another commodore wagon and ended up facing the wrong way down an on ramp, a witness says they were only doing about 70 because of the rain. The other driver pulled up quite a way up the road so my daughter got out and ran to see if they were ok, the driver of the other car lept out when he saw her aproaching his window, he launched at her, grabbed her by the collar with the intention to hurt her, the witness had pulled over and saw what was happening and sat on her horn which stopped him, the witness then told my daughter to get in her car and they proceeded to drive to the nearest police station. The police were fabulous, they bought her back to the scene and calmed this guy down (sort-of), by then I had arrived to rescue my baby, and I got the details of the other driver off the police, they wouldnt let me near him either because he wasn't approachable. Next thing an ambulance arrived, apparently that other driver had called it, he had some sort of injury all of a sudden... well, thats all very clear, my daughter screwed up, the police agree it could happen to anybody so I'm not being too hard on her, but now I have inherrited a serious bunch of bills, so, if it were you, what would you do? Because she is 17 and a full time student do you think his insurance company would do her anyway?, or would it automatically come to me? The boyfriend has no insurance, not even 3rd party.. she has insurance if shes driving HER car.
If the guy had been a bit more normal about the whole thing, re attacking her and injury which he absolutely didn't have prior to the ambulance arriving, I would be more forthcoming, I'd love to hear some comments on this, for and against....



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