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Old 14-05-2009, 01:42 PM   #1
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Default Car Enthusiasts

Lo all

Someone I was talking to the other day said that I as a car enthusiast are frowned upon by general society, and (in essence) will probably not amount to much. I nearly punched him in the face, but it got me thinking. Does anyone here have any evidence to the contrary?

Then again, this person lumped enthusiasts and hoons in the same category, and refused to be reasoned with, which I suspect is part of the problem.

I am no saint on the roads, but some people just redefine stupid (speeders in school zones, etc.), and I'm sick of being grouped with them because I have a modified car.

Sorry for going off topic in the first post of my own thread. Please respond to the top bit only, as I'm sure the rest is a repost.

Originally Posted by Jeremy Clarkson
If you buy a rubbish car, what you are saying is "I have no interest in cars." If you have no interest in cars, you have no interest in driving, and if you have no interest in something, it means you're no good at it, which means you must have your driving license taken away.
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Old 14-05-2009, 02:11 PM   #2
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Firstly, you should have punched him in the face anyway, because he sounds like he was a douche.

Secondly, Joe Average more than likely considers car enthusiasts and hoons to be one of the same. These same Mr and Mrs Average types probably listen to Alan Jones talkback and watch Today Tonight and drive Camrys.

My personal experience is that if you drive a modified car or ride a motorcycle, you're branded as an instant ******** by a large proportion of the great unwashed.
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Old 14-05-2009, 02:12 PM   #3
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Yes, punching them in the face would change their perspective on things...
Originally Posted by drew`SEVNT5
nah mate, aussie cars are the besterest and funnerest, nothing beats them, specially a poofy wrong wheel drive
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Old 14-05-2009, 02:37 PM   #4
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Mr and Mrs Average are boring, drive boring cars, have boring jobs, boring hobbies, boring missionary sex and they will never do anything special with their miserable lives.
Originally Posted by XCPWSF
Is there portable speed cameras? Because coming home from school I noticed a cop sitting on the corner, with some box with buttons and knobs, with wires running into one of the big gum trees.

Just practicing with the Tazer on a Koala?
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Old 14-05-2009, 02:48 PM   #5
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I am a car enthusiast and proud of it. I feel I am no more of a danger than anyone else, and I feel I am a good driver. I have had a totally clean licence for over 15 years, I also hold a Heavy vehicle HR truck licence and drive both standard and modified cars.
It just pure stereotyipical hooo harrr.

The bloke that you thought about punching is what I like to call a DUMB ***, no stereotype there, you are either a dumb *** or are not a dumb ***, with no grey line about it.
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Old 14-05-2009, 03:02 PM   #6
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dont forget enthusiasts can be classified in many categories.

1. stock standard car (dont need hot machine to be enthusiastic)
2. highly modified engine
3. highly modified body
4. both 2 & 3
5. may drive boring car to work but have classic car (vintage etc) as hobby
6. may be very old (usually rich) but collection of euro classics, Ferraris, lambos etc and never drive them
7. may have a huge ‘doof doof’ system in their otherwise ordinary car
8. a wanna be (myself) drives ordinary cars but dreams of fastback 65 mustang
9. restores cars for hobby, but drives boring car to work
10. collectors who never drive them, but buy cars for sale…at the right time

not every person in this list can be considered a hoon.
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Last edited by jphanna; 14-05-2009 at 03:09 PM.
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Old 14-05-2009, 03:12 PM   #7
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This Forum would be evidence.

There is a huge range of different people on here that all share a passion of cars.

If you look at what people on here do for a living and what they have achieved then that would would be contrary to this persons belief.
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Old 14-05-2009, 04:56 PM   #8
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that makes my blood boil, not amount to anything? I'm sorry he looks that way, I would say most people who have track cars such as your M3's lambo's etc... are all enthusiasts, and they sure as hell amount to a lot more than him.

From the other perspective yep I love cars, have a few and in the time and place use what they have, but i have full points on my licence, where as numb nuts apprentice at work isn't what I would consider an enthusiast and you guessed it has one point drives high and drives like a complete knob
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Old 14-05-2009, 05:04 PM   #9
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what a crock of crap, being a car enthusiust makes you no more of a sorn of socity than being an opera enthusiust makes you a theres all kinds in all intrests and hobbys this guy is jsut narrow minded and trying to get a rise out of you
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Old 14-05-2009, 06:05 PM   #10
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I'm sure many car enthusiasts will amount to much more than your acquaintance. From mechanics who do what he can't - to engineers to car designers who have more intelligence and ability in their little finger than that guy will ever have.
Originally Posted by Mark Webber
Not bad for a #2 driver
Mark Webber after winning the 2010 British Grand Prix.
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Old 14-05-2009, 06:11 PM   #11
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Seems to me like you were only enforcing his stereotypical view of 'enthusiasts'. You nearly punched someone in the face for expressing their opinion...?!
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Old 14-05-2009, 06:48 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by RG
Yes, punching them in the face would change their perspective on things...
yeah, then do a burnout up the street, that'll change their perspective.
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Old 14-05-2009, 07:16 PM   #13
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I think alot of the enthusiasts on here are just as bad as some of the non-enthusiasts (painting all members of the 'opposing side' with the same brush)

Having a v8 manual (that needs the occasional rev when driven) ive been stared at like i was clubbing a baby seal.

Regardless, not being into cars doesnt make someone a wet towel. Lots of people who arent into their cars live exciting and productive lives.

Some people just dont understand what the deal is with enthusiasts fussing over their cars, in the same vein some of us cant understand how you couldnt take even a little interest in your car. And there are extremists on either side of the fence. Yin and yang is just the nature of the universe (and some people are just a pain in the pooper)

Last edited by LeadFoot81; 14-05-2009 at 07:23 PM.
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Old 14-05-2009, 07:49 PM   #14
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the thing that gets me with this is when people tell you how to spend your own money.
take one of my wifes friends for example everytime i see her we end up in an argument shes always saying why do u waste so much money on them there just cars who cares about them. meanwhile the said person partys every weekend spending around 150-200 a nite and tells me i'm wasting money of the same value on stupid cars

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Old 14-05-2009, 07:55 PM   #15
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Why do you care what she thinks though? Why waste precious cruising time arguing with your wifes friend?

Gotta live and let live mate (ang ignore the s*** stirrers)
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Old 14-05-2009, 07:57 PM   #16
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Old 14-05-2009, 07:58 PM   #17
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i dont care what she thinks or anyone else for that matter she just gets under my skin real easy

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Old 14-05-2009, 08:16 PM   #18
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well i think the name car enthusiast has been tarnished by "ricers" (the ones who drive like modded up honda civics, and think they are part of the fast and furious crew)..you cant miss those kind of drivers, they usually have a fat cannon wacked on the back of a non turbo 1.8L engine and you can hear them miles away...its because of these drivers, real car enthusiasts are looked down upon in todays society...and its these kind of drivers that race at speeds in excess of 150 on local suburban roads, and endanger everyones lives...its a shame that genuine car enthuasiasts are associated with those hoons...but yeah i agree with Road warrior, its guys who drive boring cars that seem to associate those hoons with real car enthusiasits...
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Old 14-05-2009, 08:22 PM   #19
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only an enthusiast knows the feeling..

if you punched it would it then put you in the category as a thug? maybe you should have removed the pole from its rear ? actually you should have taken it for a spin..
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Old 14-05-2009, 08:24 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by v8capri8
i dont care what she thinks or anyone else for that matter she just gets under my skin real easy
You could always punch her in the face. :
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Old 14-05-2009, 08:24 PM   #21
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Old 14-05-2009, 08:27 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Road_Warrior
You could always punch her in the face. :
now that would be sweet
hahaha ing_sm

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Old 14-05-2009, 08:43 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by hemank
well i think the name car enthusiast has been tarnished by "ricers" (the ones who drive like modded up honda civics, and think they are part of the fast and furious crew)..you cant miss those kind of drivers, they usually have a fat cannon wacked on the back of a non turbo 1.8L engine and you can hear them miles away...its because of these drivers, real car enthusiasts are looked down upon in todays society...and its these kind of drivers that race at speeds in excess of 150 on local suburban roads, and endanger everyones lives...its a shame that genuine car enthuasiasts are associated with those hoons...but yeah i agree with Road warrior, its guys who drive boring cars that seem to associate those hoons with real car enthusiasits...

I have never thought of them in that way as car enthusiasts always thought of them as misguided or sexually confused with the possibility of delayed mental development.
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Old 14-05-2009, 08:46 PM   #24
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Im a enthusiast and a don't mind giving it a squirt everynow and then... my car is loud and 95% of the time i am going to speed limit. The police still pull me over.
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Old 14-05-2009, 08:47 PM   #25
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no doubt car enthusiast`s are frowned upon by some members of the public just as many look down on police ,lawyers ,politicians, bankers, car salesmen, truck drivers greedy oil company`s, collingwood, etc,etc, most are`nt bad but a few rotten apples make the rest look bad.
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Old 14-05-2009, 08:56 PM   #26
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who gives a toss what they think
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Old 14-05-2009, 09:35 PM   #27
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If you happen to bump into him again, ask his opinion on james morrison. Total car nut, hosts car enthusiast TV show loves his car yet he's a world class trumpet player? funny that.
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Old 14-05-2009, 10:50 PM   #28
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Car enthusiasm has been tarnished by the people who do dangerous things on the road in their modified cars. It could be new or old, Aussie or Jap or Euro or what ever. Its unfair to pick on any one faction of car enthusiasts.

Could it be the detractors of your cause (being a car enthusiast) 'always' drive boring cars because you have a warped sense of what a nice car is?

Originally Posted by hemank
well i think the name car enthusiast has been tarnished by "ricers" (the ones who drive like modded up honda civics, and think they are part of the fast and furious crew)..you cant miss those kind of drivers, they usually have a fat cannon wacked on the back of a non turbo 1.8L engine and you can hear them miles away...its because of these drivers, real car enthusiasts are looked down upon in todays society...and its these kind of drivers that race at speeds in excess of 150 on local suburban roads, and endanger everyones lives...its a shame that genuine car enthuasiasts are associated with those hoons...but yeah i agree with Road warrior, its guys who drive boring cars that seem to associate those hoons with real car enthusiasits...
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Old 14-05-2009, 11:18 PM   #29
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i have found that on the most part being a car enthusiast has earned me quite a lot of respect from the general community. it has opened a lot of doors for me as well .
i think that if you show a real interest and dedication to any persuite (sport, hobbie, job, etc) most people will support you.

there will always be some narrow minded miss guided souls out there that have preconceptions that will never change who might give you a hard time but they are the minority and are best not worried about. let them spurt their opinion and move on.

its more your own personality and how you present your self that will influence people around you.
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Old 15-05-2009, 05:56 AM   #30
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