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Old 18-12-2011, 09:55 PM   #20
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Default Re: Will we ever beat cancer?

Originally Posted by MRFGXR6
I will be criticised for my answer.
It is more profitable for the pharmaceutical companies to have a drug that can help ease the pain and prolong the life of the suffer, than that of one that cures the patient altogether (once cured the purchase of a drug is no longer needed). If the big C was not of a profit issue but a humane one then I believe that it would be already cured. With today’s technology in the fields genealogy, microbiology and genetics much could be achieved as a cure for many things, but alas once again corporate greed dominates over humanity itself and as long as a dollar can be made from the pain and suffering of others a cure will never be made (or should I say never be released to the populous).
Fluorination in water is another financial gain over necessity but I will leave that for another debate.

Humanity’s sever lack of compassion over greed amazes me still to this day.

No.. I will not criticise you, because that is 100% the truth. Without saying too much, a family member works in, let's just say.. Antineoplastics, and the money involved is truly astonishing. Billions in profits. The governments also get a cut of the profits, in one way or another (). Too much money (read.. GREED) involved for a cure to be found.

So to answer the OP's question. NO! a cure for ALL cancers will not be allowed to be found.
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