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Old 07-01-2012, 02:41 PM   #64
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Default Re: Whats stopping people from buying the Falcon?

Originally Posted by Road_Warrior
I wonder how many of these people have tried fitting a pram and the weekly shopping into a Mazda 3...
we have a LS focus as the wifes car. fits the pram and shopping in no worries. reasonable sized pram too. most cars now have the baby seat anchor on the back of the seat so you don't have straps going everywhere, and the luggage space is pretty big. we actually bought the focus before i bought my fg, and we did a bit of a dummy fit out of a normal amount of luggage we would normally take on holiday, and you can fit a surprising amount of stuff in them. just because large cars aren't selling doesn't mean you have to get angry at small cars. if you compare the focus to a KE laser, they have grown a lot. they are a similar size to the large cars of yesteryear (eb falcon etc)

Originally Posted by jpd80
Look closely and you'll see how Falcon sales tanked right after E-Gas and wagon production stopped in Sept 2010.
as much as i love your input regarding falcon, to me the graph shows all 3 models tanking, not just falcon. falcon has taken a hit with lpg though, which is probably why the gap is a little wider now between commodore and falcon.

i think for all doom and gloom speak, 2012 has the potential to be a break out year for ford. commodore, although it has released a series 2, looks pretty much the same as it did in 2006. fords facelift on the other hand has a fairly obvious change to the front end look. people like to upgrade to cars that look like new models. i think the lack of change in commodore has cost them sales.
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