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Old 17-01-2020, 06:12 PM   #1581
Kicking back
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Western sydney
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Default Re: What made you feel good today?

The service body on the new ute just seems to get better and better. Now i dont do many conduit jobs. So for example in my old ute a box of elbows would end up somewhere in the bottom of the tray, a pain to find. The van i had before that, a box of elbows would be on the bottom rear shelf, but youd have to move stuff out of the way to get to that shelf. The new ute the shelves face out on the passengers side, 100% access. This week ive worked with a second year who only started with my mob on wednesday, so he doesnt know where stuff is in my car. But i could say get an elbow, bottom rear shelf and hed come back 20 seconds later with it, not call 10 minutes later saying he cant find it. Granted i cant fit anything big in the back like say a comms rack, but for all the smalls i carry, its so much better orginised. Big stuff work has a trailer for, so its not the end of the world having less volume in the back. The smaller volume is 100% accessible, so its really made life so much easier not wasting time moving stuff to find stuff etc. And an added bonus, neither the fresh 1st year we have or the new 2nd year are retards. Theyre both switched on and want to do apprenticeships, not dopes who are only in it because mum said to. So neither are like flogging a dead horse to get to do work. Havent had that in a while.
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