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Old 25-09-2006, 05:07 PM   #16
EB 2 XR8
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Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 537

Originally Posted by GCFordChic
If my memory serves me correctly, Hoops and Sledgehammer have emphasised that cars have to stay in place until after trophys and the end of the event due to insurance and health and safety risks.

There will be lots of people, once the car is in place it will need to stay until the day comes to a close. We cant have people leaving and potentially putting people attending at risk of being hit (even at slow speed) because our insurance cover stipulates that no vehicles are to move during the event. (Unless of course there is a major emergency, which would warrant special consideration from the FPV XR club executive members to allow and organise this safely)
oh cheers, guess i'll be a spectator as i have work at 3pm
Previous Cars:

EB 2 XR8 - 5 Speed, All Black, SSV Bodykit,

EF 2 XR6 - 5 Speed, XR Kit, Sunroof,

Current Car:

EL GLI - Straight As!
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