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Old 21-07-2024, 09:43 AM   #30
You can't fix stupid
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Default Re: Post a photo YOU took

Originally Posted by DFB FGXR6 View Post
Some photos are literally about being in the right time, the right place, a blink and you'll miss it situation.
Couldn't agree with you more mate.

Warning: Long post to follow.

I had one of those moments back in 1992. The pics are included in this post.

The back story to the pics is:

I was on holidays in Queensland circa 1992.
We went to Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary.
That in itself is nothing worth talking about, but...
Two really strange things happened on, and, after that trip.

The first strange thing to happen was:
on the way back from the Big Kart track at Landsborough, as the sun was setting driving East, on a 2 lane 2 way, straight stretch of 100 km zoned highway, the sky turned green for like 3 seconds.

It stayed that way long enough for me to grab my partners arm and yell LOOK! As she was fishing for something in her handbag at the time and not looking out the window. She also saw it.
It wasn't dark, but the oncoming traffic had just started turning their lights on. And i had just turned the parkers on. That kind of dark. Dusk even.

The colour green i am talking about is the same green you see when looking through an old school welding helmet in the day time on a sunny day.

After this happened, I stopped at the next servo up the road and asked if anyone else had seen it, both customers who were filling up and the staff inside the servo said they had not... and looked at me strangely.

Odd that no one else had seen it, right? Pretty hard to miss... I thought, but way cool.
I thought it might have been the green flash (look it up if your not familiar with this phenomenon).

Link here:

But it wasn't.

Some years later I was talking with an aboriginal guy (Sorry, can't remember his name) about this.. and he says this:

Did a member of your family pass away recently?

I said yes, my grandma.
He says, you should have died that day.

I showed this pic to the aboriginal guy and he said something that blew me away.

Me holding a koala --->

photo explained --->

He said: "Do you know what the rocks and leaves in the photo represent? that is a picture of your grave.
The sky turning green was your Grandma's way of protecting you".
So between that and the weird green sky thing there may be something to this..

Pretty trippy huh?

Moving right along...
How did I meet the aboriginal guy?

I was in a beer garden at the local pub, with about 7 mates. 1 female, and 6 guys. This aboriginal guy in question comes over to the table and says: "If i can guess how many brothers and sisters you all have, you buy me a beer for each time I get it right. If i get it wrong, I buy you a beer".

I'm thinking, cool, free beers coming up... as one of the old mates has 4 sisters and no brothers. Win win, he'll never guess that I thought...

How wrong I was. He told each us how many brothers and sisters we had, and a he got a free jug of beer. To good I say.


Beats me, but he did.


One Man
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HSV, I've stopped trying to beat one (cause they've all been stolen)
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