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Old 19-11-2023, 09:56 PM   #63
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Default Re: Bazen thefts now occuring in Australia

Originally Posted by BENT_8 View Post
I deal with multiple groups of kids outside the classroom everyday and their attitudes are getting worse by the day.
The Teachers are barely out of nappies themselves and most are more interested in their phones than the behavior of the kids in their care.
Parents dont give a ****, teachers dont give a ****, why would the kids when they know theyre untouchable and carry it through to adulthood.
And let me tell you, private school kids are by far the worst in every way and if you heard the level of actual intelligence many of them portray through their conversations you'd question what those fees buy you because it isnt education or intelligence.
Teachers can’t do anything even if they wanted to. A stern word will make some parents think their child has been abused. Some parents are the issues.

I know of this teacher who grabbed a primary school students bag to stop him from running onto the road in front of a car.
The parents found out and flipped out. They made a complaint to the school. School investigated and said the teacher did nothing wrong.
So the parents made a complaint to the school district head offices. They investigated and said nothing was done wrong. So the parents made a complaint to the police for “assault”. Police investigated it and said they are not pursuing charges since no assault took place. So now the parents are trying to take private legal action against the teacher.
No wonder they can’t find enough teachers to cover classes.

The kids in that family are probably not going to grow up to be decent people. Although you never know. Some people don’t want to be anything like their parents.
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