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Old 04-03-2023, 11:56 PM   #1
DIY Tragic
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Default Q: 16” Demo Saw Blade Life

I’ve got an interesting prospective job, to demolish two sides of a rectangular inground concrete pool. Well, it’s 50% inground, the rest above. The remaining two sides to be stripped of coping and clad with sleepers as 800mm tall retaining walls once the “tub” is filled to natural ground level.

There’s no access to bring in a useful sized digger, and not really any way for it to manoeuvre. So I’m looking at sawing into 35-ish kg squares that can be barrowed out. As the prospective client is not in a hurry and not expecting a whiz-bang transformation over 48H, this approach seems a good fit.

Rough calcs give me about 200m of sawing, I’m guessing the concrete will be around 100-120mm thick. Has anyone here done a lot of wet sawing in reinforced concrete - looking for thoughts on how many 16” pro grade diamond blades it might use for this meterage? Gut feeling is two, but I’m prepared to stand corrected.
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