Thread: Retirement
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Old 11-02-2023, 05:42 PM   #66
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Default Re: Retirement

Originally Posted by Charliewool View Post
Respectfully I disagree…
An Australian citizen who’s lived and paid taxes all their working life in Australia should automatically qualify… It certainly doesn’t take much to be over the assets threshold nowadays.. You are penalising those that are over this asset threshold simply because they have done ok for themselves… After also probably paying a bucketload more taxes than average Joe
I’m not talking the Lindsey Foxes, the mega-wealthy… They ain’t going to apply anyhow!
This “means testing” crap is totally outta hand and only furthering the gap between the haves and havenots.
I’ll give an example of how in-equal this is…
My mother in law, a widow and 87.. Owns her own home in Airport West.. old weatherboard house her and her hubby built in the 60s. Virtually a buldoze job!
However 1/4 acre block prime for the ever growing 4-5 townhouse development site.
Last 5 months she’s had to move in with her youngest daughter due to being unable to look after herself… Her eldest son moved in the A/West house to keep an eye on it and it’s close to his work… Pays gas &elect and mows lawn etc.
Anyhow, centrelink has now got wind of it through the age carer nurse now attending her daughter’s home instead of her own home.
Ultimatum now received.. She will lose her age pension entirely in 8months because her home is now deemed a 1.2 mil asset and not the family home!
The old dear is now a wreck.. absolutely devastated asking WHY WHY!
She swears the government just wants her dead!

The government wonder why people stash cash in the safe at home....
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