Thread: Retirement
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Old 11-02-2023, 02:08 PM   #27
Trevor 57
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
Join Date: Mar 2005
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Default Re: Retirement

You get old and tired, you get grumpy when your body doesn't do what you head wants it to

years of physical abuse from all the labour intensive jobs, plus a few reckless hobbies (like motorbike riding in the bush) will slow you down in older age

Both my shoulders have had surgery to make them not hurt so much, I am 50% deaf in one ear and 25% in the other (only in certain ranges), knees are dodgy (3 surgeries on them) and I can put it all down to driving trucks with a little bit of bike riding in the bush

Shoulders are shot from driving milk tankers picking up milk from farms and swinging the heavy pick up hoses onto the sides of tankers, maybe a bit of unloading 67kg (yes 150lb) bags of flour by hand from the back of pantech semi's didn't help. The deafness is from listening to diesel and petrol driven milk pumps confined in a stainless steel compartment on the back of milk tankers (all in the days before workplace OHS was invented) and driving with the truck window down as no air con. Knees are knackered from jumping out of trucks, back then not much was provided for easy access and egress to and from trucks

Don't be too hard on your dear old dad

Last edited by Trevor 57; 11-02-2023 at 02:16 PM.
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