Thread: China protests
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Old 29-11-2022, 01:30 PM   #17
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Default Re: China protests

Originally Posted by tichman View Post
That's the whole point, from your own admission you are getting your information from a guy living in HK, who is probably (going by you saying what you have heard) is anti Xi plus what a few YT channels have been showing. Xi has recently been leading China to be the economic powerhouse it is today, yet western governments get anxious and scared of losing some sort of power over smaller countries that China may be entering into deals with (without military intimidation, sanctions, regime change or other bully tactic our own western powers have engaged in for years), which is no different from what our own governments wish to do yet have taken many of those smaller nations for granted for many years.

The US scrambled to get into the recent meeting held for Pacific nations over climate change and it's effects on those smaller nations with the US only showing an interest after China made a deal with one of those smaller nations.
These nations are slowly disappearing under the waves which is something that we mostly don't feel affected by as it's not affecting our homes but if it was, I'm sure we would all be looking for answers and those who have contributed to the cause of rising water levels to make amends or do something to stop the loss of these islands.
So the US decides to give $810M in an attempt to see off the Chinese offer of help and assistance and all I see in the MSM (and I see a lot of it including daily newspaper delivery) is all the hype about $810M which may seem like a lot yet when one considers the US has committed over $54B, that's like $54000M to one country in Europe to fight a war it can't win, when the US has many of it's own people in poverty, homeless, killing one another which are issues it should be addressing but we don't get to see much of that as that's not the narrative the US wishes the world to see it through.

Xi is an elected leader, like it or not, that is the case. He doesn't hold power because he is a military strongman like say General Pinochet from Chile who was put in power through the CIA and US ending Allende's democratically elected government and created a military dictatorship. There are many examples through history of our western "leaders" or more like, governments who have overthrown elected leaders all in order to take advantage of a countries resources or strategic position in the world, and those governments are usually beholden to corporates and/or the mega wealthy. Take BPs stance with Iran in 1953 and what happened then which led to the Shah puppet of the US until he was turfed out in the 1979 revolution by the PEOPLE of Iran.

The western MSM is the last place I would go to for accurate information, RT is no longer available on TV here due to I can only conclude some relevance to the special military operation in Ukraine yet if we don't get both sides of the story, how are we supposed to make informed decisions on what our governments should or should not be doing.... I don't want to see our governments doing the same things we condemn other governments for doing yet that is exactly what goes on but it's all presented as being "justified" through spin or through outright lies and because it's our "team" we think it is ok, hell I bet no one in another country who has lost a loved one from our western governments military actions would think we are the great saviours we make ourselves out to be.... just because some other country has a different culture to ours doesn't mean theirs is wrong and ours is right anymore than how I run my household compared to how my neighbour runs his/hers/theirs.
We in the west seem to have this ingrained belief that we know best, we are right, our way is the only way and I just don't agree with that, hell we have major issues with crime, killings, alcohol, meth, homelessness... the list goes on, we are far from perfect yet some of our western governments seem to think we are so much better than others when that clearly is not the case, it is all perception and how we are fed information to keep the voters inline.

The fact that Xi is elected means that any dissenting voices are the minority, which in our democratic belief gives him the right to rule with the blessing of the masses... if that changes and the masses go against him then he will be ousted and that is exactly why our governments seek to sow dissent in those countries that have some value to our economies but don't have a "friendly"
leader who will do as we say, all in order to try and encourage regime change to another puppet leader. The US/Israel has been trying that for some 10 odd years now in Syria with no success, the current protests in Iran are no different. Media needs clicks/sales, just like reality TV they make Cr@p up that they feed to the masses through MSM.

Believe what you will, it's no skin off my nose, just do try and get both sides of a story before making up your mind.
Some hysterical types still hold to some Russian troll tripe as a label for anyone who disagrees with their point of view, it just shows how small minded such types are and how easily led they are. Followers.... just what the powers that be like!
All fair points and good opinions.

Of course you couldn't make any of those points or express opinions over there.
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