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Old 24-02-2022, 04:00 PM   #17
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Default Re: Will LPG see a new renaissance?

Originally Posted by Crazy Dazz View Post
Newsflash for all those living in caves, it's already started.

Yes, when we started exporting our LPG, the effect of parity pricing was a big dent in demand for LPG. However the skyrocketing price of petrol has seen many people either getting old systems fixed, or looking at new ones.

Yes, cars have on average become much more fuel efficient, and taken a quantum leap form the days when the market was dominated by guzzling local "big Aussie sixes." But people have adapted to "the new normal", and whereas once consumers would have been ecstatic with any car getting better than 10km/l, now they are crying again.

Contrary to popular urban myth, buyers did not abandon big thirsty passenger cars for economical little buzz-boxes. They moved to SUVs and pickup trucks.
Diesels, long the saviour in those markets, is on the nose and on the way out in passenger vehicles. Up until now Euro standards have allowed significant leeway for diesels, but the ****ers in Brussels are tightening the noose.
Sure whilst the modern petrol and hybrid replacements are much more economical than their ancestors, they are still ripe for LPG conversion.
And whilst diesel commercial vehicles will remain for many decades yet, the hippies running our governments will ensure that most buses run on NG.

As alluded to above, the technological gap, whereby modern engines were neutered with ancient LPG systems, undoubtedly contributed to the demise of LPG. However LPG technology has now caught up.

You need to remember that a lot of this is driven by supply and demand. 15 years ago when gas was cheap, and there was a $3k subsidy, a crappy mixer system cost $3k (surprise surprise) and a top of the line system was around $6k. Last I looked, that price had halved.

Lastly, there is now HUGE focus again on gas systems. Mostly based on on using either Green or Blue Ammonia, but it all helps
Tell that to the servo's who are getting rid of LPG tanks and pumps, the days of LPG vehicles are numbered and declining rapidly.
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