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Old 28-11-2021, 02:25 PM   #3
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Default Re: Building a house

Originally Posted by jaydee View Post
Usually with house and land packages you have to build on their land.
They buy up big swathes of land cheap, sit on it, then develop it by sub dividing into lots of little lots.
Pay attention to small print, the devil is in the detail.
Thats what i thought too and then when i read some fine print on numerous house and land packages it actually stated that the builder didnt own the land advertised with it so im assuming its not theirs, nor does that house have to be with that block and that its more of a price guide than a set package as with what my kids have bought.

My Wife is on work cover and although she goes back to full time hours tomorrow the surgeon has said she'll never be 100% fit nor able to return to her original duties due to the nature of them and her injury so its looking like a career change in the medium future. Her current job is whats kept us living where we are but are both ready for a change of scenery so considering a move to the coastal country or river areas where house and land 'packages' seem few and far between.
The lure is the land, what we'd pay for under 400sq meters in our area we'd get 800sq in Murray Bridge etc.
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