Thread: Ozone
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Old 14-07-2021, 10:52 AM   #12
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: Ozone

Originally Posted by slowsnake View Post
I just wonder what happened to this big climate change ozone issue, one day its in the news then it vanished!
We hear about climate change mainly when there's a new set of models/predictions from the IPCC (AR6 is due out later this month), or when there's been some catastrophic weather event. The bushfires are a distant memory now, temperature is down, rainfall is up. People have short memories.

I know what ozone does to my own pulmonary health, and this information is from doctors and scientists, all alternate thinkers, but privately financed by public benefactors because they will not kow-tow to big pharma!
Big Pharma primarily funds clinical trials, or moves research from the level of basic research to applied with an aim to turn it into a product. The vast majority of basic health and medical research in Australia is funded from the public purse via the NHMRC and ARC. There is no conspiracy. Big Pharma will never fund environmental research because it's not a problem that can be solved by one of their products.

Big illness equals big dollars, I am sure that corona virus can be sorted very easily, but "show us da money" the mantra
If that were the case, the common cold would be uncommon. Anything that spreads easily and mutates quickly is actually very difficult to solve. It's actually astounding that we've got a product going out to people in only a year.
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