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Old 10-07-2021, 10:55 AM   #4
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
Join Date: Aug 2010
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Default Re: Need a new modem/router


Will ask here instead of making new post

What’s the clues and what do you lot experience to know when it’s time to get property and house of your own and/or live by yourself even if it’s just a shed and part time house of your own meaning have a decent shed and stay there part time to start with.

If you would like to buy and don’t want to spend nearly as much as you would paying off something you own when you’re limited to what you can do to place what do people do to just hang on until they can buy

Also sometimes you have a busy day working and you get home and you just want to do your own thing without being bothered by others

Reason for asking is that am at age where am starting to want different to the other household members and you don’t always want what they want and same the other way.

Back to the modem/router, if the other members don’t want the router you want or other way around is buying a second wifi router of your own plugging it into the existing router and creating your own wifi and plug the wifi router into existing modem/router and share same internet going to be a problem.

If only there was enough room on property to have a flat then could have ran a ethernet cable over to it and had own wifi and shared internet.

Am happy living at current place and whatever outcome is that place will still be the primary one for a while atleast

Last edited by car10002; 10-07-2021 at 11:03 AM.
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