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Old 21-06-2021, 12:39 PM   #102
Kicking back
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Western sydney
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Default Re: Psychos in the Auto-Repair Business

In any trade there is always a few dumb spuds. Ive seen a lot come and go when i was on the tools. Things ranging from customer complaints due to taking too long, not doing their job properly, replacing expensive parts without consulting the customer, lack of general customer service, all that sort of thing. A lot of these potatoes are just good at job interviews, but not their jobs. Its the times when they either lose a customer, or customers specifically ask for said person not to be sent next time is what puts nails in coffins.
For me, just in lamens terms (clients dont typically care about the technical stuff) explaining why the issue arouse etc, would bring positive feedback to my then office. Plus it wasnt too uncommon for if say the clients office was having a catered staff lunch being asked to stick around. Cant complain about a free lunch.
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