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Old 11-05-2021, 01:43 PM   #59
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: Diabetes: Discussion thread.

Originally Posted by Work Horse View Post
LCHF eating is not a fade diet and has good science behind the theory.
Yep, not disputing it. It's particularly helpful for those for whom simple weight reduction doesnt yield an improvement in insulin sensitivity.

I saw a BBC program with twin doctors IIRC, both a bit overweight. One did high carb, the other did LCHF. Both lost weight, but the one doing LCHF had far worse insulin sensitivity. LCHF doesnt necessarily improve your T2D, you've simply stopped consuming the nutrient that produces the symptoms. Fine if you want do LCHF forever, but if you dont?

Dr Paul Mason, weight loss, insulin:
The graph with low carb vs low fat weight loss, misleading because on low carb, you strip much of your body's glycogen reserves. And with that, around 2-3x that weight in water weight. Accounting for water loss, either eating regime gives about the same fat mass reduction.

The graph of mortality stats against saturated fat consumption also arent consistent with most other (much larger) studies. The Nurses Health study (nearly 100k participants) for example showed that replacing some calories with saturated fat increased all cause mortality, however, replacing them with unsaturated fats reduced mortality. So by all means eat fats, but eat good fats. Saturated fats arent good fats, and while nowhere near as bad as Keys said they are, it's worth being choosy.

Dr Jason Fung weight loss, insulin/hormonal theory
Fung isn't even worth discussing. A well-renowned quack who peddles misinformation to sell his books and diet products. So much wrong in that video. Ditto for people like Taubes and Lustig. Google their names and debunked. Nobody that does research in those fields takes them seriously. The insulin hypothesis has been widely discredited for years. Most of these guys simply dont understand basic metabolic chemistry and energetics.

Beware of looking for good science from those with a book to sell, or who can only espouse it on youtube rather than via peer review. As per Prydey, speak to a doctor or nutritionist.
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