Thread: Finding a Will
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Old 05-05-2021, 01:57 PM   #18
Kicking back
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Default Re: Finding a Will

If a will cannot be found and said person is still alive, if said person has been deemed mentally unfit, their legal guardian can change/sign off on a will. Also take control of said persons finances. As of January this year i finished court proceedings for my dads estate as his guardian did, or tried to do, the dodgey only a few months before he passed. Im not going to get into the nitty gritty about it, but the courts favoured my claim. But different states have different laws. From my understanding, nsw is the only state with family provision laws for example.
The one attempted dirty tactic from the other side was running up the legal fees so id back down. So i got my legal team to get the courts to freeze assets and i ran the fees up. And no, none of this was an argument between my siblings and myself. We came out on top.
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