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Old 11-04-2006, 09:54 PM   #5
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Here is my Mayan Calendar run down. I'm not religous or anything, have just read a bit about this and many other subjects that relate.

The Mayan calendar consists of many different calendars.
The Mayans are known as the 'Keepers of Time" History also shows that the entire Mayan civilizations disappeared without a trace. The word Maya means "Illusion"

Some of their short calendars are used to plant crops with moon cycles, There is also the galatic long calendar which is when the 2012 calendar finishes. It is a cycle the solar system takes and it nears it end on 22nd Dec 2012. They say we are entering a new age with humanity and that at this time there will be great changes. Non-one knows for sure what this is but it is expected to be earth changes, spiritual changes, bascailly a rude awakening for mankind. I might also note that the Mayan calendar has predicted every solar eclipse and solar event (comets etc) to the precise dates & times.

The Mayan calendar is the most accurate calendar in existence. The current calendar we use (Gregorian) was put into place by the Roman Empire but was so out of sync they created a leap year to keep it in sync. The Mayans are also known as some of the best mathematicians ever.

And yes time is speeding up. It may not seem like it on a clock but think how fast everything has gotten in the last 5-10 years. How quick the days go, how fast gadgets, cars, life is going by. This is referred to as the quickening. Due to the period of comsic time our bodies and living things are resonating at a higher & faster vibration. They say in 2012 if people aren't in tune to the higher vibrations and frequencies then they won't cope on the earth as it is.

The illusion is we belive there is earth and that is it. But imagine if the earth was a radio and we live on a certain radio station ata certain frequency. There are heaps of other radio stations playing but we don't know they are there until you turn the dial and tune into it. Same with earth, humans etc. We all live on this frequency of material things, working, taxes, money etc. but if you tune into another station there si other stuff out there we can't even imagine. For example a Pyshic tunes into a higher frequency.

I might also add that not only the Mayan calendar talks of changes in year 2012 but also, Budhism, Hindu, Islam, Christianity and all other religions talk about major changes in and around 2012.

And also I have heard hearsay that from several different people, including aboriginal elders and other spritual leaders that they feel there will be a major shake up of Australia's east coast sometime this year around June. This is in line to balance with the Tsanumi that occurred on the western side of the pacific plates.
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