Thread: Mowing ..
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Old 19-07-2020, 03:12 PM   #677
Kicking back
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Location: Western sydney
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Default Re: Mowing ..

After 2 years of exceeding my extremely low expectations, my $119 35cc chainsaw i have retired. Its seen a silly amount of use doing my stuff, helping neighbors, fire wood etc. The bar crapped out. The thing starts stupidly easy, but a new bar for $80? The thing has had more then its own worth in chains and fuel already. Im guessing it was made on a wednesday as cheap stuff is usually rubbish, but it has payed for itself many times over. So funds permitting, the old unit was a 12 inch bar, im thinking maybe 14 or 16 inch. Its just for domestic use, probably stick to the same cheap brand as the little guy was fine for a long time of constatish use, untill it wasnt. No down hill decline. Fine then fail. My main concern is, the 35cc 12 inch would obviously bog down cutting things bigger then it was designed for and the 16 inch cheap boy is only 37cc. So 2cc extra for something thats supposed to be able cut things the 12 inch 35cc unit struggled with im not sold on. But this time when i decide, im thinking aftermarket chain off the bat. They make such a difference.
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