Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 18-03-2020, 02:22 PM   #143
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by mick taylor View Post
I was just thinking well, it's a man made virus thing that has got out of control.
Now I may be wrong. but who is talking about such being the foundation of this that should be talked about and not hidden from such a view, why I say this is if the handful of people who truly control the world, like Rothschild's and their ilk, well this could destroy the economy, not just a recession but a full on depression, the foundations of the worlds economy are built on pure BS if anyone bothers to look into such, so it can crash that bad that every ones Super will be wiped out even totally.

Now if we let the virus run free, maybe most of the filthy dregs will be killed and the old and that would bring back the regrowth much better, I will be dead if I get it because my lungs are RS but I not worried about myself as I am ok to go and I do not like the new age world at all in fact I despise it all as it's become a creep show as morals have been turned upside down to service all the degenerates.

Look at Italy the hospitals have a system of who will be set aside to die, now do the people know the protocols, is it news worthy ? hushed up ? or is it minority's looked after first to apply Politically correct hell bent agendas. well I would not be surprised at all, just saying.
FMD... will someone close this stupid thread
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