Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 18-03-2020, 08:41 AM   #126
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by Charliewool View Post
I really REALLY hope and pray that the deniers and those calling “chicken little” are correct with their prophesies!
BUT, what if you’re NOT?
This isn’t just Australia spruiking your so called “media fear”!..
So far 140 countries are infected World feckin wide! Are they ALL part of this massive conspiracy??
Where I live, even though our numbers are low at 41 infected, zero deaths (SO far) it has been taken incredibly seriously! (As it has in the rest of Central America) Borders closed, bars, nightclubs, farmers markets and most social gatherings totally shut down!
This will be absolutely devastating for an economy like Costa Rica that’s so reliant on tourism... WHY would they commit economic suicide, if they didn’t believe the threat to be genuine???
As for my earlier post on possible Australian fatalities... This was released by Australia’s Deputy Chief Medical Officer... Not conjured up by some sensationalistic 2nd rate newspaper!
You guys shunning all the suggested public advice about social distancing and interaction guidelines with others (because you’ve heard it’s all a “con” and/or doesn’t affect your age group) Is just plain bloody selfish, and possibly even DEADLY to the rest of the population!
You want to take that risk???
I’m one of the biggest conspiracy theorists, and was also a doubter when this Coronavirus thing first broke...
Not anymore! These are dire, history changing times people!
Treat it seriously at your own peril!!!
We will soon know who is right Charlie.

Apparently Holland is using the herd immunity approach.

Get infected, get over it and life goes on.

Or something like that.

The Dutch government aims to build COVID-19 immunity in its population by letting large numbers get the virus at a controlled pace, while the UK's chief science officer has previously said its government would aim to build up a "herd immunity".

Discussions of "herd immunity" are different when it comes to COVID-19, because it's not known what percentage of the population needs to be immune to protect people who are vulnerable.

Right now, it's being suggested between 70 and more than 80 per cent of people could need immunity from COVID-19 to protect the rest of the community.

Medical experts are still uncertain whether coronavirus infection creates immunity, or how long that immunity might last. There's no vaccine, so there's no option to build immunity in the population without people developing the illness and therefore the possibility of severe consequences.
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