Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 17-03-2020, 08:41 PM   #103
Franco Cozzo
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by b0son View Post
And what about your older friends/relatives? Like vaccination, social distancing during a pandemic is a social responsibility.

That number is based on 20% infection rate and the current global fatality rate. Neither of those numbers are worst case.

It's attitudes like yours that are why we need a lockdown, because people cant be trusted to be sensible or responsible.
Chicken Little attitudes like yours are why people are punching up over toilet paper and people are raiding the shops running them out of stock all over the nation making it difficult to get the essentials.

I'm the sensible one here, rather than crashing the economy and causing enormous damage over an overblown cold that came out of China because how much of a dirty backwards society they have.
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