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Old 13-03-2020, 07:45 PM   #74
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Default Re: where to find a friend

Originally Posted by car10002 View Post
probably going to drive the ba till its completely worn out but at same time stock up on parts.

have done some looking around and worked out that not many people drive daily cars until they die completely or are completely worn out because while it’s financially cheaper to throw parts or a gearbox at a car and drive it till it dies people need a car they can trust to do a 1000km trip at anytime with little to nothing to fix and all cars as we know get to that point. You still have to check water and oil though

And obviously some people don’t have a choice but to fix and keep fixing what they got or another cheap car and drive it till it dies then replace as it’s financially cheaper to a point but spose usually money isn’t only thing to think about.

why else dont people drive everyday cars till they die or for a couple more years when they start providing clues to when to replace. isnt it financially cheaper to throw parts at them and drive then till they die or for a couple more years.

what do people do if they want a particular car and they dont quite have the cash saved and dont want payments and need something

Guess all you could do is try and get the price down or offer them your labour or something as part payment.
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