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Old 08-03-2016, 01:05 PM   #305
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Default Re: Depression, Anxiety

Originally Posted by 1TUFFUTE View Post
Just wondering.....was the violence you saw and suffered mostly in the neibourhood as such, or did it flow heavily into the school yard?
Absolutely, it was in the schools. ahhh, you give me a chance to talk about the older Ms English. So long ago. I think I recall her name as Judy. A couple years older than me and an absolute goddess. Long black hair, blue eyes, mini skirts, long legs and high heals. Keep that image.

Here is an example of why my ex thinks I have a form of childhood PTSD. Why should I remember so many details. It's almost like I relive it.

There was this one piece of crap who had to repeat who knows how many levels of education and would constantly go out of his way at the school bus stop or even on the bus, to humiliate, ridicule and terrorise anyone he wanted to. Just because he could. One day he starts smacking one of my friends in the head. My friend is sitting right next to me and this piece of crap reaches across and just starts smacking my friend in the head.

I threw a block to stop him. Got up and took a defensive position. I saw a twitch from his lat and knew a punch was coming my way. Threw another block and damn it, his hand came right inside my block and smacked me right upside the head. His mouth starts moving and a bunch of unintelligible words came out.

Right now I'm thinking "oh ****", this guy has a bad disposition, is twice my size, has me in his sites and knows what he is doing with the fists.

I go back to "oh ****" again, but damnit I'm going to make him pay for this win.

Out of the blue, here comes Judy, the goddess, and smacks him up side the head as hard as she could. Starts yelling at him, calling him all sorts of things and not to use this bus again. He didn't dare touch her. The whole bus load of students would have jumped him. Thank you Judy.

Crazy that such situations had to develop.
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