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Old 06-03-2016, 02:16 PM   #270
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Default Re: Depression, Anxiety

Originally Posted by Ross 1 View Post
Never under estimate the benefits of the love or loving of a good woman.
What a great thread.

I think different people have different underling causes.

In my experience I think there is a lot to be said for what you said for my situation. I've had 2 bouts of depression and anxiety/panic triggered by 2 totally different things happening 30 years apart.

I have to give credit to a beautiful young woman this go around. From late 2008 to mid 2014 went through a series of losses, including my mum, serious lower leg fractures, business (good old "recession"), wife moved out (still paying her rent on a house 1 mile from the beach in North, I wasn't unfaithful), sheriffs knocking on the door any time day or night with with all sorts of legal and financial notices, etc, etc,etc.

One med worked pretty well, especially for panic attacks. The docs switched me to a long term med that I hated. From an efficacy standpoint it worked about as well as taking a candy. However, it had bad side effects.

Keeping my mind busy was extremely helpful.

However, one day I came across a very beautiful young woman. I am 60 right now and she is in her 20s and in all honesty looks like a world class model. I approached her thinking I have nothing else to lose all she can do is say no. She said yes. She was at her own cross roads at the time. Within weeks I was off that med and that episode seems to be in the past now...still keeping my mind as busy though.

First episode, much younger in my early 20s and suffered a significant injury and had to stop my level of physical activity for a prolonged period. Back then, there was little to no understanding of how endorphins naturally produced during heavy physical activity can become addictive. I went into a depression. I had always been a pretty good athlete, did a lot of heavy work even as a child helping my dad, exercised all the time, moved pianos for money while attending university and one day all that stopped.

No one could correlate that I went cold turkey on my own endorphins. One day after I could move around somewhat normally again, a fella who knew me and understood the situation dropped off a couple old bicycles he wanted fixed up so he could resell. After finishing one, I took it for a spin. I felt pretty good from that. I started riding bikes again and that led to feeling "normal" again.

Body and mind. Still a lot to learn.
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