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Old 19-05-2015, 11:18 PM   #25
Wirlankarra yanama
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Default Re: Message for the "anti-roads" fraternity

Originally Posted by jpblue1000 View Post
Thanks cheap, another great public service done.

I take from that article there is a NSW minister with vested interest supporting a CEO of a company with a bigger vested interest in preventing funding of an alternate mode of transport and then throwing the proletariate off the scent by making popularist insults at the academic class, those who know and anyone else who disagrees with his 'most likely', lobbied idea, defaming them personally and making unfounded baseless 'scientific' claims to boot.

If you've lived or been to Sydney, the fact is that the traffic is hopeless, perpetually hopeless. It is a major issue.

Given the topology and history of Sydney, there is no amount of public transport investment that can fix the traffic. Sydney is vast, it spans significant waterways, it has rugged deep valleys, it is surrounded by large national parks.

Every Liberal and Labor political party has aspired to do something about the traffic, new bridges, new roads, new tunnels. Sydney now has MORE BUSES, MORE TRAINS, MORE TRAIN LINES, MORE LIGHT RAIL than ever in it's history, but the traffic is still crap. Sydney has a population of several million and growing. Sydney is not like Adelaide with its quaint wide streets, flat earth profile or relatively few people. Sydney is not London, or Tokyo, Sydney is Sydney.

So pray tell, what alternative mode of transport do you have in mind to solve the traffic problems, we're sitting on the edge waiting for your response.
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