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Old 08-04-2014, 12:31 AM   #1
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Default Tech question, changing pads

Hi Matt,

I've got a question re changing brake pads. After spending some time this afternoon reattaching a caliper that was starting to come off because the caliper bolts had rattled out I've come across a few different recommendations when doing a pad change and am after some advice.

Apparently the ford service manual recommends replacing the bolts on every pad change, ford mechanics say they just locktite them up, and I've noticed that when ford changed pads on my car, without me asking, they did neither.

So what would you recommend as obviously locktite is not good, but do the bolts need to be changed every time? Also to clarify in case I'm taking about the wrong bolts I'm referring to the bolt that goes into the slide bolt.

Thanks for your help.

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