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Old 19-10-2012, 11:01 AM   #16
Mr Hardware
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Default Re: backdoor way to sell more ve utes?

Originally Posted by Stefan
It's only a problem because there is no such thing as a PANEL BEATER anymore, only PANEL REPLACERS.

If your car has minor damage why F does a panel beater require to replace the quarter panel.

Ask the smash repairer if he has ever heard of a slide hammer (If the shop is in Bankstown, Sydney, he probably has, except it's not used to fix panels).
There is a flip side of this. Say you get your $20,000+ car shunted one day by some clown. Which repair do you want, nice new paint and panel or bog? Don't you recall the old saying of if you're buying a used car, take a magnet to see if it's bog or not? Simply put, it ain't the panelbeaters fault that their art is dying, it's the publics doing for not accepting a bog job.
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