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Old 18-10-2012, 08:07 PM   #6
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: backdoor way to sell more ve utes?

I'm afraid I've seen too many brand new or several months old cars of all makes written off for what would once have been a bit of a shunt, or even hail damage, to laugh too loud at Holden...

For instance, back when there was a massive hail storm through the nearby town of Blackwater, the car transporters ran hot for a couple of weeks taking away all the insurance write-offs. One in particular was a workmates three month old lease car, a rough tough Toyota Hilux twin cab. It had been under a carport, and the only hail damage was a couple of small dents on the bonnet, a lot on the rear right hand guard and rear right hand passenger door, and a broken window on that door too.
Written off, down to the auctions in Brissy.

Many new cars are, basically, unrepairable without major investment and specialist workshops. Another workmate had an FG XR6T, and drove over a rock that came off the back of a truck doing a real Dick went straight through the middle under the car, smashing open the sump, damaging the crossmember, busting the pan on the auto, and damaging the diff and other bits under the middle of the car. The total? $30,000+ damage. It was assessed once to see if it could be fixed, and has now gone off to Mackay on a car transporter to be assessed again, as they aren't sure if they want to repair it.

To be blunt, I wouldn't want someone to let a full shopping trolley roll down a hill into our G6E in a parking lot...
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