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Old 31-01-2012, 08:12 PM   #7
Starter Motor
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 15
Default Re: Fuel Pump not working

Stupid Time Delay

Firstly I was wrong about the wires being the cuplrit in this situation as They where not.

Once again with this car the problem has been connectors. I found that the socket in the lid actually was. When inspecting the wires I saw that I could actually remove the inside section of the socket on the fuel tank LID.

After removing the section it was obvious the connections within the socket itself are failing...

What a limit of 2 per day shesh that's a bit tight!!!!!

Now what I mentioned about stresses upon the wires within the tank still may apply. The wire in the tank would move more when the tank is filled below a certain amount when the wires are unhindered in movement from the fuel then they will move about being effected with the movement of the vehicle and waves of fuel.

Now yous didnt get the image of the socket but there has been enough arcing to melt the plastic and actually deform the space that the connectors fit within. I will upload that image tomorrow

OK Now i know that some of the new units suffer from the surging and other problems but I did notice when removing the socket on the inside to find this problem the inner section that comes out does have an amount of play and this will cause movements on the contacts which is bad for causing this sort of problem.

My Experience in the past has been home appliance servicing NOT cars so I am placing all my assumptions about this from my experience working on TV's Videos washing machines etc not on vehicle fuel systems!

So I urge anyone that has such problems with a Cougar surging to investigate this STUPID connector for it to be a three piece connector is ridiculous and even on the new units I would be interested to see if this same connector style has been used?
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