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Old 16-11-2005, 08:57 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by useless
Yep, Im still in. 9th January good for me. Firstly my tips are....exercise is essential and so is correct diet.

Six meals a day and no bloating carbs.Fruits are fine ,but bread ,pasta and soft drinks are out.The primary source of energy should come from protein sources.Egg whites,tuna ,lean chicken and meat are all fine but chips are out.

If people can do weights 2-3 times a week this will help tighten and shape your appearance,including women. People with injuries ...walking will be fine. Ideally people doing weights will not lose much weight for a while but will shape up faster. The reason for this is that they can burn a high proportion of fat whilst building a degree of muscle.

For the rest of us simply eating 5 meals a day while restriction food intake tends to speed up metabolism on its own. If we merely diet we can lose weight but we risk wasting muscle tissue and end up getting fatter than before.This is why exercise is essential,it helps preserve muscle tissue while using fat stores more readily.
Mate you have to have carbs, main source of energy, the less refined the better ie: rolled oats, potatos(not fried and definately not hot chips!), sour dough bread or whole meal if you can't find the other, whole meal pasta, etc.

The idea is to have the majority of your carbs in the morning and at lunch eg: two thirds of your breakfast should be carbs the other third is protein. The opposite at dinner eg:one third carbs(mainly from vegetables), two thirds protein.

The main idea is to keep your blood sugar level down, intake as little as possible in the way of sugar(as you have pointed out).

A simple exercise and eating program would be something like this:
Portion sizes may vary with the individual!

6am - 20/30 mins cardio - on empty stomach(water only)

8am - meal 1 - protein shake: 250ml low fat milk or water, level tea spoon of creatine monohydrate
one cup of fresh or canned fruit
one multivitamin and mineral supplement

10am - meal 2 - one cup of rolled oats(sweetened with a tea spoon of honey if needed)
one omelette: 4 egg whites, 1 yolk
water or green tea

1pm - meal 3 - mixed green salad and tomatoes with vinaigrette, medium baked potato(or 2 slices of whole meal/sour dough bread) and 120g lean chicken, turkey, fish or tofu
one cup of cooked brown rice, 120g skinless chook, 2 cups of cooked broccoli and one piece of seasonal fruit
plus tea, coffee or water

4pm - meal 4 - protein shake: 250ml low fat milk or water
fist full of armonds

5pm - 40/50 mins weight training(drink at least 500ml of water during work out)

6pm - meal 5 - protein shake: 250ml low fat milk or water

7pm - meal 6 - 120g lean red meat
150g grilled fish or skinless chook
plus a generous serve of cooked green vegetables(broccoli, spinach, green beans) and a serve of sweat potato
plus water or green tea

8pm - supper(optional) - one cup of fat free creamed rice mixed with 3g of L-Glutamine(helps muscle recovery)

Get into a routine something like the above and you will come up looking a treat in three - six months, you will see results sooner than this.

Have fun, Shannon.
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