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Old 28-01-2005, 04:46 PM   #19
Soul baby
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Posts: 212

Drug trials involve the use of a placebo and a trial drug that is awaiting approval to become publicly available. All medications that you buy from your chemist must go thru a certain number of trials before they become available to the public. Even once those drugs have passed and are on sale, some do get recalled because the long term (years) side effects become evident. A common anti-inflammatory was recently taken off the market because it caused heart defects. This was only discovered many years after it's release and many people were on it for sprain and strains up to chronic arthritis sufferers. You may be on a medication NOW that may effect you health in the future, it's the price we pay...

Damn, I think I've exposed my secret shame, I'm a Registered Nurse.
People don't kill people, lawn mowers kill people.
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