Thread: Panic Attacks
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Old 25-10-2011, 04:21 PM   #120
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Default Re: Panic Attacks

Originally Posted by my_gxl
been alcohol free for 2 weeks now. Nights are so boring
dont know how old you are , but believe it or not , drinking alcohol really is not the norm .
i used to drink beer and spirits from age 15 to24 , stopped because i married a non drinker <<< not the right reason to stop . anyhow after many binges with the boys into the mid 30's you come to realize you only do it to feel happy , and after a while the conceptrion of happy changes , if i go out now and drink , i pretty much dont change how i am , or may just get heavy headed and a massive 3 day hangover , so a really really big alcohol night for me now is 3 beers , or 5 beers max . pretty much now the norm is 2 beers twice weekly . and i gotta say , if you need a drink to have a good time , that is not normal , sorry but its the truth , even though sometimes i go to a club and dont drink , then i dont want to be there , therefore they are boring places as i dont like them in my real state , sober .
unless i go with a mate i can have 1 or two ,anymore and i wouldnt be there to enjoy a mates company .
just dont drink for a while and find a hobby/ hobby club instead , and you'll find you seek different kinds of fun .
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