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Old 28-09-2011, 10:39 PM   #29
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Default Re: Hospital cover, who has it?

Originally Posted by Sox
Who's assuming anything? You have your views, I have mine.

Naturally, why would they keep you in longer if it wasn't necessary.

Cash which would otherwise have gone into the private insurance. So what.
In any case, only the specialist costs money, the GP does not.

This is simply not true.
Yes, the hospital will keep you alive and patch you up.
Once out of hospital, you continue to see a GP (free), and if necessary you see a specialist, which may or may not be covered. Much of the time you'll find it is. When it isn't, once again, you'd simply be using the the cash which otherwise would be spent on the insurance. Again, so what.

Repeating it over an over again doesn't make it any more true.

Fair enough, I'll admit I have heard some say similar, however I've also heard plenty more say private insurance is a rort. Straight from people in the medical industry.
Many advise not to go private, even when you are insured. That speaks volumes.

Yep, and I have also had a procedure many years ago of which was elective surgery. I could have waited for a completely free OP (around 18 months at the time), or opened my wallet and had it done within 2 months. I opened my wallet for the 3.5k and and low and behold, Medicare covered most of it anyhow. I only parted with $800 in the end.
If I had of been privately insured it was going to be a lot more, the Dr's assured me of that. The OP was going to be up to double, and then the gap payable was similar to what I paid (plus of course the ongoing monthly fee)

In hindsight, I should have waited anyway (it wasn't life threatening, just very uncomfortable), and it would have not cost me anything at all.

Every case is different, you may or may not have been perfectly fine to wait.
Same as myself. We all have choices.

Anyway, each to their own, but to compare health insurance to motor vehicle or house insurance (as someone else did) is fundamentally flawed.

mate i've had my experiences , and heard many of friends experiences on how good private health can be . your not going to change my mind . keep saving your 3.5 k/pa , and i'll keep pooring mine int a private fund ok . .
i'll use the public system as you will if and when required , and also the health fund if and when required . hopefully we wont need to use either . cheers .
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